"Guys, I have to go shopping for more groceries, wanna come with?" Eddie's voice rang from the kitchen, making Richie walk toward him and Edith to look up from her phone.
"Sure, I'll come with ya, Eds." Her father replied, which made Eddie immediately roll his eyes in annoyance at the nickname.
She smiled, not moving from her position but shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, I'll come with. Got nothing better to do. Where are we going?"
"It should be a short trip, I just have to get a few things from Target, that's all."
Richie and Edith both went quiet, the older man starting to look around the room as the wildly curly-haired girl hummed under her breath.
"Yeaaaaaah, about that..."
Eddie looked confused, watching the two Tozier's. "What? What's so bad about Target?"
"Weeeell, you see," her father started, "they kinda have this grudge against Eeds and I."
"Aaaaaand we've permanently banned there since two years ago." Edith finished for him.
Her stepfather blinked a few times, trying to process what he just heard. "What-what do you mean you guys got permanently banned from Target? How the hell did you two get banned?!"
Richie held up his hands as his daughter stood up. "Look, it was totally not our faults!"
She nodded in agreement, her unruly curls bouncing on her head. "It wasn't! See, here's what happened..."
"I'm booooored!" Edith drew out loudly, starting to bang her head into the red shopping cart until Richie gave a short yet sharp tug on her curls that instantly got her to stop.
"Go wander around then. Just be back in, like, ten minutes. Don't get kidnapped too." He told her, amusement in his eyes.
She huffed but nodded, finger gunning at her dad before trudging off in search of finding something remotely entertaining.
The brunette eventually found herself in the toy aisles, remembering how much she used to adore this aisle when she was a kid. Constantly wanting a new action figure or doll, her father hardly ever saying no. Did he ever say no? She couldn't remember.
Suddenly, her green eyes fell upon the true gold. Something that would surely cure her boredom.
Edith gasped, admiring the plastic lightsabers that hung on the aisle, blue, red, green, and purple colors galore.
And then...an idea sparked in her mind and she smirked.
If anyone saw that smirk, they'd know to run the opposite direction as fast as they can.
She grabbed two of the lightsabers, a red and a blue one, before racing over to where she remembered her father would be. The curly-haired girl finally caught sight of the giraffe, running toward him.
"Daddy! Think fast!" Edith tossed the blue lightsaber toward him and rather than catching it, Richie nearly ducked from it instead and it clashed to the ground.
"Edith, what the fuck?!"
"Oh, I forgot. You can't think fast." She smirked in satisfaction, her father immediately flipping her off.
He bent over, picking up the blue lightsaber from the floor with an eyebrow raised. "What? You want lightsabers now?"
She raised her red one, her smirk growing. "Lightsaber dual, old man."
Both of her dad's eyebrows went up, looking around the aisle before back at her. "Right now? In here?"
"What? You scared that a young Sith is gonna bring your old Jedi ass down?" Edith was challenging him and they both knew it.
But her father could never refuse a challenge from his spawn.
Richie narrowed his eyes at her for a moment before he eventually raised his lightsaber. "Bring it on, you little shit."
And so their plastic lightsabers clashed, the fight growing more and more intense since neither of the two Tozier's wanted to give up and admit defeat.
There may have been things knocked over, objects broken. Who could remember? It was such a blur.
It was all fun and games until they were security screaming at them. Both of the Tozier's froze before Edith quickly stabbed her dad with her lightsaber when he was distracted. "I win! Long live the Sith!"
Richie grunted, glaring at his daughter. "You motherfu—!" They looked at the furious security guards, smiling sheepishly.
*present time*
"...you got banned from Target by having a lightsaber fight?!" Eddie exclaimed in disbelief, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"In my defense, Edie started it!" Richie said quickly, pointing at his kid.
"And in my defense, I was twelve! You're not supposed to listen to a twelve year old, you're the adult!" Edith pointed out triumphantly, hands on her hips.
The brunette older man groaned under his breath, shaking his head. "Okay, that's it, I'm just gonna go to Target by myself. Actually, I'll be going everywhere by myself because I no longer trust you two."
She raised an eyebrow high. "You mean at some point you did trust us? That was a dumb move on your part." Her father snickered under his breath at her remark.
Eddie once again rolled his eyes before leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Love you nerds."
"Aww, we love you too!" The two Tozier's said at the same time, her father quickly kissing his boyfriend before Eddie left the house.
It was quiet for a moment before Richie finally looked at his daughter. "Wanna watch Star Wars?"
Edith grinned. "Fuck yeah!"

LOSER & PROUD , BABY ! (mb/s)
Random" i may be having a manic episode , but i'm still gonna kill this fucking clown ! "