Ch 11|| The Quarry.

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Tays P.O.V

(LAST A/N: I take that back it was too hard to do kk bye)

Soda and Pony's room was small there was a large double bed in the middle and small desk that had school papers sprawled all across it, other than that there was pretty much nothing. Walking in and saw I Sodapop sitting on an armchair in the corner which I hadn't noticed before, Soda looked like shit his eyes were red and puffy. It looked like he had been crying, which everyone knew he had, His hair was messy, but he still had his handsome movie star looks that made all the girls, Including me, swoon.

"Uhh, Ponyboy wanted me to tell you that uhh breakfast was ready," I said he looked up and sighed "yeah uhh ill"--she pointed to the door--"I'll leave you be."

"Wait, Tay," he said, I stopped and turned on her heel "thanks" he gave a small smiled. I raised my eyebrows.

"For what?" I laughed, biting my lip Goddamnit he was even hotter when he was a mess. He slowly raised himself from his seat and approached her "Holy shit are you smiling" I sais trying to lighten the mood he laughed "And laughing? That's a first."

"Yeah, But only for a cute girl like you," he said, and I choked on my saliva before regaining my composure.

"what is going on?" I laughed, and he shrugged

"Hey can I ask you something?" he asked, he was now to close to me she could feel his warm breath I just nodded in confusion "do you-" he was interrupted by Ponyboy yelling.


"Ya know I think you should go have breakfast," I said, he nodded and quickly ran a comb through his hair before walking out, I bit my lip watching him walk away. Goddamnit why do all the guys have to be so Fucking attractive, I followed Sodapop down making sure to keep a significant distance between them when she got into the dining room the guys were talking loudly about the quarry.

"Damn, I haven't been to quarry in ages," Soda said, leaning back in his chair all 'cool' like, he then looked at me "So Tay, You ever been to a quarry?" he asked, I furrowed my eyebrows not being able to tell if he was faking his happiness.

"Oh um, Yeah few times" at that moment Two-bit and Steve came in making a lot of noise, the usual thing for this house. I watched as they did the handshake thing. They told them about the idea of going cliff jumping at the quarry, where totally on board.

"Is the board coming too?" Two-Bit asked, looking at me, still standing in the corner I nodded "Well, ill volunteer to hold your hand" he bowed holding out his hand

I slapped it away "You wish Two-bit," I sneered he slowly pulled his hand away and stuffed them in his pockets.

"Just you wait" he mumbled, I laughed at him "Shut up," I rolled my eyes.

"Soooo, Imma goes an' grab my swim trunks," Ponyboy said running up to his room everyone else followed suit, steve johnny and two-bit leaving to grab their swimwear. The quarry wasn't that hard to get to, sure it was surrounded by Forest, but there was a path that made me think people went to this place quite often, There was a small ledge hanging over a 45 feet drop.

"So," two-bit said as I looked over the edge "You still jumpin'? It's freezing and a drop" I turned back around and gave him an odd look.

"Hell, yeah," I said Pulling off my t-shirt and pants, I was in my bathing suit if you forgot, I saw out of the corner of my eye Johnny staring at me,

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