1~siren sin of song

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(Sin tattoo up top ^)

(Takashi's p.o.v)

It was like any other day lots of people talking downstairs while I was taking a good cat nap with my baby bump but it wasn't until Hawk came up to the bed and decided to wake me up

"Takashi wake up, you've been asleep for a while now" he says nudging his snout into my stomach gently.

I groan and turn over to my left "five... more... minutes" I mumbled and then sighed getting comfortable again but it was interrupted when the door opened and I looked to see it was meliodas

"Come on Taka you have to get up or else I'll force you to wear the boar hat uniform in shame" meliodas said while he stands there holding the uniform with a smirk on his face

"And I'm up" I say sitting up and stretching with a yawn "jeez meli can't let a soon to be mother sleep?" I ask him grouchy and upset that I was awoken from my cat nap

"Sorry Shishi but there's a lot of people down there and I need a waitress to help out with the tavern" meliodas says as he helps me up and let's me get dressed into a beautiful dress

"Sorry Shishi but there's a lot of people down there and I need a waitress to help out with the tavern" meliodas says as he helps me up and let's me get dressed into a beautiful dress

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(An idea of what the dress would look like)

Afterwards I went out of the room but I had an enemy.... the stairs I hated these stairs since I was scared of falling down and hurting my precious baby bump but I had to get down so I tried to go down but luckily for me Hawk helped get me downstairs so now I'm stand by the bar drinking water as drunken men stare at me with awe.

"What?" I ask as the men stare before scrambling to get me a seat and something to put my feet on as my ankles are already swelling up "please take a seat and rest your feet a pregnant woman should not stand for so long" they said 'wow i find that a slight insult but a compliment and I don't know why' I thought as I sat down "thank you everyone but you don't have to worry about me" I say doing a slight head tilt with one of my ears going to the side.

After a while I was enjoying the chattering of men when suddenly the door bursts open and a man talks about the rusty knight although it didn't peak my interest at least until a Few seconds later when a rusted knight came in saying random things but I sensed a girl inside of the armor that got me curious.

~time skip~

'So I was right there was a girl but she looks familiar' I thought as I help mel mel with laying her down "she looks so familiar but I can't put my finger on it" I say as I examine the poor girl for any wounds but so far I found out that she's just dehydrated and possibly hungry.

"Yea I hear you Taka she does look a little fam- actually scratch that she is familiar" meliodas said

"You don't think she could be......?" I ask trailing off

"I think so....." meliodas says as we look at the passed out girl on the bed


But we have to make sure" meliodas says

"Don't you dare touch her pervert" I growl at him as he chuckles before looking at my baby bump "it's almost time isn't it?" He asked as I nod and go to say something but a sharp pain erupted from my abdomen and we both knew it was time....

~time skip~

After a while I had two little baby boys one with jet black hair with a lavender highlight and the other dark lavender hair I was so happy and slightly tired.

"I'll take them while you rest up Alright Taka?" Meliodas asked as I nod "ok" I say softly as both of my baby boys are asleep "but what are you going to name them?" Meliodas asked "Luca and Zeak" I say as sleep starts to consume me I feel meliodas takes Zeak, the jet black haired baby, and Luca, the dark lavender haired baby.

"Get some rest Shishi" meliodas says as he looks at me seeing that I'm already asleep.

(Meliodas' p.o.v)

I chuckled and walk out of the room after putting the twin boys in a crib on the other side of the room and walk back to the other room occupied by the sliver haired girl who was awake.

~time skip~

Takashi's p.o.v)

So the girls name is Elizabeth so I know that meliodas is going to protect her no matter what even if he has to die but right now I'm up and walking a bit but meliodas is sorta scolding me for moving around after birth.

"Come on meli let me walk" I plead "no. Get you cat behind upstairs and rest because we're going on an adventure and I don't want you to get hurt or killed while you have children" he says as I sigh, ok let me explain.

Meliodas was there when my brothers asked his father for protection and so he became my big brother just like Nuka only he is like a second brother to me after being left with the demon clan so there's part of the story.....

But I have a feeling that this will be the beginning of our journey to hunt down our friends and to protect the new life of my two sons.


Hey my roses how are y'all ok so I know I said i would post on weekend's but this weekend I won't be home so I'm posting a day early and yea I hope you enjoy bye my lovely roses

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