Ty, Im sorry~Adam & Jordan

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Adam Pov

I WAS FUCKING WORRIED ABOUT YOU, Y-YOU ASSHOLE!! GO BURN IN HELL!!" Ty words hurt me more then running into a tank full of squids, I just had the worst argument with my husband....and I think I lost all feeling in my left cheek from a slap I deserved, "Hey, What the hell is wrong with Ty?" I heard a male voice said that sounded pissed, I looked behind me to see Jordan, I gritted my teeth so hard I was about to break them, "Fuck off Jordan, this is between me and Ty" I said getting up and began to walk away, I was about to head out the door but then I dagger flew past my face leaving a scar and landing into the wall.

Jordans Pov

I grabbed one of the daggers in my left boot and threw it at Adams head well Near I should say, I missed on purpose and I was really starting to hate this guys guts. "Don't fucking move.." I said taking out another dagger.

"Now, What's Wrong with Ty!" I demanded.

"You J-"

"I just threatened you!" I yelled at him.

He looked behind himself and then at me with fear in his eyes, and blood running down the side of his face. "Don't look at me like that!, Don't look so innocent!!" I yelled,

"Ty.." he said looking up the staircase, I did to and saw Ty.Standing in fear.

"J-Jordan..A-Adam.." He stuttered shaking, I felt myself being pushed by Adam who tried running to Ty, But missed him as Ty ran back to his room afraid, "I'm sorry Ty!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry to Ty!" I yelled also.

(-----> Jordan Throwing Daggers!)

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