Chapter 1

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Mikasa's POV:

I woke up next to Mike he looked like an angel when he's sleeping I looked at his face the sunrays were hitting his face making him more beautiful I let my fingers go through his hair and planted a soft kiss on his cheeks, then I got up to get ready for college. I am in art school and I have my own studio well it was my place but when I moved in with Mike I thought why not turn it into a studio.

I took a shower put on a black knee length dress with a white shirt underneath and black sandals. I am also into fashion and designing clothes hoping I would make a career of it one day. I put my hair into a half updo and put on big loop earrings and my daily makeup.

I was in the kitchen making a quick breakfast because I was already late.
"Leaving already" Mike said with a sleepy voice causing me to shake a bit as I thought he was still sleeping
"Yeah I am already late I need to go Eren is waiting outside"
"Eren?! Why?"
"He said he's passing by so he offered to pick me up" I said walking to him giving him a quick kiss
"If you wanted someone to pick you up you could've told me you know" Mike said in a kind of aggressive tone I don't know where is all that coming from for the two years we've been together he knew Eren and how my relationship is with him why is he getting aggressive now
"Mike can we talk about this later I am late" He didn't say a word he just left, I shake my head a bit ignoring what just happened I need to go now Eren has been waiting for 15 minutes I grabbed my keys and left.

I saw Eren in the car moving to the music he was listening to he had his hair in a manbun with few hairs out he was wearing a white shirt and a navi pants he was looking extra good today

"Good morning" I said giving him a smile I opened the passenger seat
"Good morning Mika you look good today"
"You too Eren in fact you are so dressed up anything special today?"
"Actually yeah I have an important interview and also Dina is making me meet her parents"

Eren went to business school and graduated a year early so he was looking for jobs now he was accepted into one but he didn't like it there so he quit and now he's looking for another one, Levi always offered him a job but Eren wanted to make his own path

"Woah Eren Yaeger is going to meet a girl's parents that's a first. So this must be a serious one" I said winking at him
"Mikasa I said she's making me I am terrified we have only been dating for a month and she wants me to meet her parents already"

You might already noticed that Eren has commitment issues, he can't stay with a girlfriend for too long he has always been like this since his parents almost got divorced multiple times when he was 16

"But Eren did you try talking to her, telling her you're not comfortable with the idea"
"I am trying to come up with anything for a week now so I might have said that we're gathering today for dinner so is it ok with you I am still going to ask the rest but Armin, Jean and Annie agreed?"

Ever since we all graduated from high school we haven't been gathering much each one of us was busy with uni or looking for a job or trying to know what's the next step in life so we gather once a week or so

"I'd love too we haven't gathered for a while now but you can't keep running like that Eren you need to face her talk to her stop running away"
"I know Mikasa I know I will tell her..soon"

Dina is a resident at Dr. Grisha's hospital that's how Eren met her actually and that's how she met his parents he didn't have to introduce her to them

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