Chapter Two - Getaway Mile

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Three years is a long time.

Acid Candy was left in the dust with the others. A new killjoy has been born.

Since I can't be Acid Candy anymore, for obvious reasons, I decided to take on a new name.

Or a few, to be exact..

Desert Song is who I am now. I've ditched the pink hair and let the natural blonde take over. It doesn't suit me, but nobody has recognized me so far.

Along with Desert Song, Venom was also created. During my time spent away from my team and the others, I managed to make some connections with the Rogues. The Rogues live out past Zone 6, known as Death Valley.

Death Valley is a scary place, it was pretty much destroyed after the Pig Bombs. The Rogues are the only people out there, as far as I know. They're not in the killjoy ranks, and they have no sense of what is right and wrong. They kill any outsider they see as a threat, including Killjoys.

You could say they have an unstable relationship with Dr. D and the others.

I spent a long time with them, mainly trying to locate my brother.

That didn't work out, clearly.

After 8 months, give or take, I left the Rogues. The name Venom was left with them, and I officially became Desert Song. I still manage to drive out there every once in a while to say hello.

I decided it was best to get closer to people near the city.

Or inside.

I managed to meet a few BCU rebels during a solo raid. BCU is short for Battery City Underground, a group started by three rebels inside the city. These guys are top notch when it comes to getting information about BL/Ind. When they first started out, they would sell information to Dr. D through a middle man.

They made a good amount of carbons doing so.

I had first met the three men while I was at an old warehouse outside of the city. Blitz, Echo, and NoiZe were their names.

I was close with them for a little while. With the help of some friends of mine inside the city, I managed to gather a bunch of citizens who refused to take the pills, just like the three original members did.

BCU quickly became a rather popular group. I helped them build an underground army, while they helped me get supplies.

That quickly ended when Blitz and Echo died.

NoiZe decided to step down and become apart of the killjoy ranks. I haven't talked to him since, but he's kept my secret for me. They put a new guy in charge, I haven't gotten around to introduce myself. However, word is BCU is now officially working with Dr. D. So I don't think I'll be paying a visit anytime soon.

Along with what was the BCU leaders, I had become friends with a few Ritalin Rats that roamed the zones.

Ritalin Rats were essentially druggies. They produced, and survived, on Color Runners.

Color Runners is a form of LSD that is popular in the Zones. Sure, they're fun when you're out partying at The Battery or the Fun Fair.

But taking a tab every morning? No thank you.

Theres a few that go the extra mile and get high off Poppies, which are highly dangerous hallucinogens that used to be used to torture people inside of BL/Ind.

I've taken Color Runners, sure. Poppies are another story, though. I wouldn't trust anything that comes from the city.

Except for two droids in the heart of Battery City. Red and Blue were my pornodroid friends. Pornodroids are exactly what they sound like. It's kind of sad, they're subjected to prostitution and physical abuse from Dracs. They've got to make carbons for their batteries somehow, though.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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