☆Chapter 11☆

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Zander's P.O.V.

"Zander! Wake up!" I hear an annoying voice scream in my ears. Urgh!

"What?!" I snap at whoever that is. I don't care. I love my sleep.

"Are you going to get up now or do you want me to ask that girl outside to leave?" Mom asks, a bit too calm for my liking.

"A girl? Shit! I forgot! Ask her to wait for a minute!" I say, rushing to the washroom to wash my face. I invited Avery over. And I fell asleep out of boredom.

"Why would I do that? You go talk to her yourself." Yeah, right. She had to be her rude self at this time too.

I wash my face in a matter of seconds and rush out of the room and down the stairs. But Avery wasn't there in the living room where I expected her to be.

"Where is she?" I ask mom, who was heading towards the kitchen.

"Outside, duh!" She replies. I inhale deeply, trying to contain my anger, while walking towards the door, which was closed! She just kept Avery outside like that!

I open the door to see Avery with her back turned to me. She turned around to face my as soon as she heard the door open.

"There you are! I was about to leave!" She says with wide eyes as soon as she sees me.

"I'm sorry! I fell asleep. Come in." We both walk in together and I shut the door behind.

"That woman looked really angry!"

"When isn't she angry?"

"Is that your mom?"

"Yeah. She showed up at the door in the morning today without any notice and I kinda forgot to tell her that you'll be coming home for dinner. That's probably why she's mad." I explain.

"Is she often this cheerful and welcoming?" She asks, definitely being sarcastic. We both laugh together.

I lead her to the kitchen. Mom was at the stove, cooking. She cooks for us when she's home.

"Mom, this is Avery, my friend." I say to mom.

"And?" Should've known.. I inhale deeply before continuing. I'm honestly impressed with all the patience I have in me.

"And she's here for dinner. Will you cook for her as well?" I ask, not sure if I want to hear her response. She'll probably offend Avery.

"Hmm." Is all she says. Well thank goodness it was just that!

"Let's go." I say and lead Avery up the stairs and to my bedroom.

"I'm sorry but, she's so rude!" Avery speaks up.

"Don't be sorry. She is rude.. I'm pretty much used to it now."

"I know I can't be as patient as you are! I would've walked out of that door long ago."

"I had grandpa. He made it all seem worth while. And when he died, I did walk out, didn't I? You were the one who stopped me. Remember?"

"I made you come back to this hell hole. I'm awful!" There she goes again, blaming herself.

"Avy! Don't say that. What I did that day was wrong, and you showed me the right way. Don't ever blame yourself for that! It was the best for me. Running away was not a good choice." I say giving her hand a squeeze and a reassuring smile.

She grins wide, showing her teeth. She looked adorable!

~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~

"No! That's not what I said!" Avery says, glaring at me. Her eyes were a chocolatey colour. They're beautiful. She's beautiful!

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