♥♥♥ Seto X Diana Kaiba (brother-step sister) ♥♥♥

Start from the beginning

Diana: Keeping him out of danger due to a psychopath walking around the ship. You two are saying for the night aren't you?

Spectra: i appreciate that, so there is trouble here as well huh? of course, we would like that very much.

Diana: Perfect and yes there is. Some lunatic is trying to take over the world by using a card game as a weapon

Spectra: what is with bad guys and taking over the world with games. *shakes his head*

Diana: You tell me, you used to be one who like my brother is crazy for power. No offence

Spectra: none taken.
Kaiba: *thinks* hey, whats that suppose to mean?

Diana: You should meet him soon. I think you will get along just fine. You do have common interests after all

Spectra: well that's good to hear and i would love to meet him.
Kaiba: well, lets make it happen. *thinks as he starts walking towards them* So this is were you headed. *says out loud catching their attention*

Diana: No wonder I smelled a familiar perfume in the air. Looks like you use well the gift I made you for your birthday

Kaiba: of course it would be a waist if i didn't use it.
Spectra: this must the brother you told me about? *asks Diana*

Diana: Sure is. After all *says as she hows him the god card she took from Kaiba earlier that night* you can tll by the look on his face when he realizes he is one card short

Kaiba: Diana! *holds out his hand does a "give it back motion"
Spectra: *chuckles at that* well nice to meet you brother of Diana.
Kaiba: i'm Seto kaiba and you are?
Spectra: you can call me spectra or keith either is fine.

Diana: You sorry but not today. You will both get your treasures back tomorow morning *says as she slide the card in her jeans pocket*

Kaiba: both our treasure? *asks playing dumb*
Spectra: as in your card and my partner but i know he's in good hands.

Diana: Someone had to look over them since none of you sleep whenyour busy over night with your technology *says as she jumps off the platform* Besides I love having a dragon next to me overnight *says as she motions to whre Helios was*

Spectra and Kaiba: *share looks* fair enough.

Diana giggles in return as she hears both of them follow her into the elevator


Overnight however due to Diana falling asleep fast Spectra and Kaiba had enough time to become fast friends before Spectra having Diana wake up against his bare chest just as he woke up after his morning nap

Spectra: Good morning Diana.

Diana: Morning Keith *says before starting to giggle when she feels Helios getting tangled in her hair on his own*

Helios: why do you humans have so much hair? *complains trying to free himself*
Spectra: *chuckles* how you manage to get tangled in her hair all on your own, i will never understand.
Helios: don't blame me, besides who has her sleeping on his bare chest huh? *teases*
Spectra: oh be quiet.

Diana: Why do I have the feeling you got cold and decided to use my hair as a blanket since Keith was up with my brother till 4 am?

Helios: because as usual you are right and come on your hair is so comfy and warm.
Spectra: *chuckles* oh Helios.

Diana giggles before untangling the bakugan and kissing it sweetly

Helios purrs as he snuggles a little against her.

Diana smiles widely as she puts him under her soft pillow so she can have some privet time with Spectra while noticing Helios falling asleep once more

Seto Kaiba One-shots BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now