What is this Desire

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Watching Yibo studying or working on projects always remind Wei Wuxian Lan Wangji's figure who always studies in Library. He can't help but smile from afar. If he was younger like that time, he must disturb Yibo, but everything was different. But he somewhat replaced Lan Wangji in his life. So he tried to help this lonely boy too.

Also, he was one who released Yibo's stress or work pressure.

As Wei Wuxian was really wild in the bed- in the sense of sleeping position, his half body parts always on Yibo, who just took a little part of the bed. Wei Wuxian got a habit of sleeping with this warm human pillow.

Sometime, late night they passed time by listening stories. Where Wei Wuxain said stories and the Yibo listen. He was a good listener. Sometimes those stories scare Yibo, but he still heard those. If Yibo got scared Wei Wuxian got the benefit of not to hit by his human pillow. But Wei Wuxian never told his full life's story to him. His suffering or troubles. Only some events. He did not want to make this boy worried for him. He could say his hardship such a frankly way.

Yibo could imagine these days were not easy for the guy who posses the brightest smile in the world. He knew.

That day when Yibo talked to Xiao Zhan, he decided to talk to Wei Wuxian about Lan Wangji's time travel.

Yibo was a straight forward person. So he directly said, "Your Lan Wangji is here,"

"What do you mean?" Wei Wuxian.

"He came to the future as well"

Wei Wuxian widened his eyes. "Did you meet him?"

"No, I met the person who met him" Yibo took a sit, then continued, "The person exactly look like you. Probably the future version of you. Lan Wangji came to him."

"- - hahahahahahahaha hahaha" Wei Wuxian blast into laughter.

"Is it that funny?" Yibo thought.

"How does this happen?" Wei Wuxian finally said.

"That's what we need to know, so I told you," Yibo said.

"Tell me about my future self.. How am I?" Wei Wuxian showed big curiosity.

Yibo gulped, he took away his eyes. "He is better than you. But cheerful like you." He replied. "And an artist."

"Artist! Oh no. I am, the great Yilling Patriarch will become an artist in future? Not even an engineer (he learnt this word recently from Yibo) but an artist? Oh well, it's not that bad. But so tender job. He he!" Wei Wuxian said.

Yibo remembered and took out his card from his bag. He asked Wei Wuxian, "What did you just say? Yilling......?"

"Yilling Patriarch, that's the name they gave me. I lived at Yilling so."

"Xiao Zhan, I mean the person look like you and met with Lan Wangji is staying at Yilling." Yibo said.

"Is that place still exists in here? But You met him here and this place has a different name.." Wei Wuxian said.

Yibo replied, "He said, the place is behind that hill on the north, a small village with great natural beauty. I only know this much."

"I want to go there.." Wei Wuxian said. "How it is in Future- I wanna see."

"Hm, we can go. Oh! One more thing, it's not that you can't come in the morning. Because Lan Wangji was seen in the morning too." Yibo said.

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