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(Hey guys, I hope you enjoy the first chapter and I know it probably won't be exactly like the movie because I don't know the movie word for word but I'll do my best)

I sit in the kitchen looking through the cook books for something dad can make for Christmas dinner. I live with my dad and Charlie lives with mom, but we still get to go see the other parent. Tonight Charlie is coming over for Christmas Eve. I know Charlie doesn't like it over here that much, but dad and I try to make sure he has a good time. He loves us both, but he likes being with his mom. He's a momma's boy.

My face lights up when the door bell rings. Must be dad getting home from work. I open the door to see Mom,Dad, and Charlie standing there. Mom rolled her eyes at something my dad had said.

"Y/N" Charlie shouts as he let's go of Mom's hand and runs over to me. I bend down to his level and embrace him in a hug.

"Hey, sport!" I said happily. "Are you ready to have some Christmas fun?" I asked with a bright smile.

"Fun? With Dad?" Charlie asked which caused me to sigh. I pick him up and walk inside away from the arguing of our two divorced parents.

"Look, I know Dad can be busy with work, but he does love you. He loves you tons and will do anything for you so promise me you'll try to have fun?" I asked putting my pinkie out.

"Pinkie Promise" Charlie said as he locked our pinkies together. I smiled, but my smile fell when our parents came through the door still arguing. Charlie walked towards the Christmas tree before coming back and speaking up.

"Why do you guys always have to fight?" He asked sadly crossing his arms. I gave him a sympathetic look. I too hated it when they fought they're our parents after all. And whenever they are together for even two seconds they are arguing so loudly the neighbora can hear.

"We're not fighting, Charlie. That's just your mother's singing kinda sounds like cats fighting doesn't it" Dad said and then proceeded to immitate the sounds of cats fighting. Charlie looked at the Christmas tree.

"There's not many presents under there" Charlie stated.

"Well, that's cause Santa Claus hasn't come yet" Dad answered to which I nodded.

"But Santa's not real" Charlie said. Dad and I looked over at Mom demanding an explanation without speaking. Charlie had walked away.

"Did you tell Charlie Santa wasn't real?" Dad asked.

"No, Charlie came home the other day in tears because some kid told him Santa wasn't real" Mom answered.

"But you told him he was?" Dad said.

"Well, Neil sat him down and told him Santa was more of a feeling than a person" Mom said calmly.

"Oh I'll show him a feeling" I said clenching my fists.

"Y/N that's your step dad" Mom scolded. I rolled my eyes.

"Charlie, I can assure you that there is a Santa Claus" Dad said. I smiled I still believed in Santa Claus I knew Dad didn't, but I was happy that he wasn't acting like a total Neil and telling him there was no Santa.

"I don't know, isn't it kinda baby-ish to believein that stuff" Charlie said. I never would think I would hear that coming from his mouth. Charlie and I would always stay up when our parents were still together and we would try and catch Santa on video or make traps, but we always fell asleep. Now, Charlie is saying there isn't a Santa? Jeez thanks a lot Neil!

"Well, I still believe in Santa and I'm not a baby" Dad said.

"Well..." Mom responded with uncertainty.

"Maybe, it's time you left" Dad requested.

"I still believe in Santa, Charlie and I'm not a baby. I can't speak for Dad, but I know I'm not" I said making a little joke which caused Charlie to giggle. Dad walked into the kitchen to look and a turkey recipe while Charlie and I talked with mom.

"Promise you'll come back tomorrow?" Charlie asked. My heart kind of broke when he said that. Charlie used to love being with Dad and I when mom and him were together. What happened to that?


"I'm talking first thing in the morning you're there?" Charlie asked to which Mom nodded.

"Mom, I was thinking...maybe we could all spend New Year's Eve together" I suggested with a smile.

"Oh of course sweetie. You, me, Neil, and Charlie can-" I cut her off.

"No, Mom. I mean all if us. Me and Charlie. You and Dad. And even Neil. As a big family...like we used to" I said with a smile.

"Yeah, Mom! Let's do that!" Charlie said. He always went along with me. I'm kinda like his role model you could say.

"Oh, well...maybe I'll think about it" Mom answered. I sighed. Me and Charlie exchanged a glance. We both knew what that meant. It meant "no, but I don't wanna hurt your feelings so I'll act like I'm gonna consider it". Me, mom and Charlie all hugged before Mom walked out the door and over to Neil's car.

"While Dad is making dinner I wanna show you something" I said with a smile. I grabbed his hand and brought him to our room. I had set up a Christmas wonderland sort of thing because I knew that both of our favorite holidays were Christmas.

"It's the North Pole!" Charlie said happily. "Its like what we used to do!" I nodded. Charlie and I watched Christmas movies and ate a bunch of sweets before we realized Dad burnt the turkey and we had to go out to eat. The restaurant was boring. It had absolutely no Christmas food they were all out.

When we got home Dad read a Christmas story to us and Charlie and I both fell asleep not having any idea of the adventure that would await us very soon.

(Okay I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Sorry if it was rushed! Or if it didn't make sense. But I hope you enjoyed!)

Our Mistletoe (Bernard the Head Elf x Reader: 1st Book of the Trilogy) *COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now