"Yo Tsu, you ok in there?" Jiro had knocked on the door to force Tsu to take her mouth off of Izuku's dick to reply. "Y-yeah, I'm just a little under the weather." "Ouch, that's gotta suck." Tsu kept trying to talk to Jiro and get her to leave before hearing a small growl come from Izuku. "Izuku, what are you doing?" Tsu whispers this as Izuku grabs her to lift her up and over over his member. "Don't do it! I don't want Jiro to hear this!" Izuku smiled as he answered. "Starting now Tsu, your mine and only mine." He slams her down onto his member taking her first and nearly making her scream. She covers her mouth enough to keep it from coming out, but strangely felt no pain.

"Is everything ok in there?" "Y-yeah, just stepped on something." Tsu tried to hold back her shouts as Izuku pounded inside her with all his might. The feel of her thick body as Tsu bounced on Izuku made him jump off the rocker. "Tsu, I'm gonna knot." "Not while Jiro's outside!" "Is someone inside?" Jiro was about to walk in, but stopped when Tsu stated to her. "Everything's fine, just let me rest *ribbit*!" Hearing her shout this had Jiro confused, but put not a lot of thought in it thinking she was just sick. She walked away and down the steps right as Izuku pushed his knot in and came inside Tsu. "*RIBBIT*!" Tsu felt the warm liquid inside her as Izuku realized what happened.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Tsu! I didn't mean to finish inside!" "It's ok. The medicine works as a contraceptive as well. I won't get pregnant." Tsu laid down slowly enjoying the feel of hot semen inside her. But without warning, Izuku pulled his knot out to cause immense pain for her. "Izuku, what are you-" "Your mine now Tsu, that means I have to mark you as such." Izuku positioned his dick over her asshole to make Tsu perk up a bit. "Nobody will have you other than me. I'm going to take all of your firsts so no man can ever do this." In one thrust, he shoved all 12 inches inside Tsu to make her scream into her bed. Her large butt had began to giggle a bit with the constant thrusts inside it. While doing this, Izuku picked Tsu up to place her on his lap.

"Get used to this feeling Tsu, because this is going to be the feeling of the man you will be with forever. Starting now, your one of my women." Tsu couldn't understand, her mind was caught up in the feeling with her tongue dripping down to her pussy to lick the remnants of Izuku's sperm that was leaking out. His pace grew faster and faster as he neared his end. "Now Tsu, who's your Alpha mate?" Tsu heard this and answered. "Y-you are. Only Izuku can fuck me!" Izuku released into her ass to make Tsu start to spray her's and Izuku's fluids out of her pussy. As the semen from before dripped out, Izuku used this as a lubricant to pull out of Tsu's ass to make it less painful. He brought his dick up to her face to which she cleaned it before going back into her pussy. A few hours passed to completely cover Tsu and Izuku in their fluids with every one of her holes filled to the brim as they fell asleep with Izuku still erect inside her body and on top of her.

Lemon End🍋

Few hours later, Koneko POV:

I walk into Heights Alliance with some of Izuku's classmates around playing games and talking among themselves. "Hey Koneko. How was school for you?" Ochako came over to me smiling as she normally does. "It was nice. Have you seen my brother?" "Sorry, but I haven't." "Same." Katsumi said this trying to think where he could've gone. "I asked him to go up to check on Tsu some time ago and didn't see him since." Mina said this with this girl with aux cords coming out of her hears going red. "You don't think he-" "Got laid? Possibly." Katsumi stated this with little reaction to the fact my brother may have had sex with her classmate. "Your fine with that?" "I told him were making him a harem. If he wants the frog girl, then he's got my approval to pound the frog until she's roadkill. All in the mighty name of Operation Dekuharem!" Katsumi shouted this with Mina, Ochako, and Nejire clapping. with a familiar smell I've discovered before making it's way into the common area.

Everyone was silent at this. "But she wasn't feeling good. Shouldn't he show some compassion?" "I can tell you right now Jiro, she's most likely in Omega heat instead of not feeling good." "What's Omega heat?" The guy with tape coming out of him called Sero asked this while stuffing his face with bread pudding that smelled awesome. "Omega heat is when Omegas in the animal kingdom go into a form of a heat cycle. They suffer similar aspects as if in heat while producing large amounts of pheromones to attract Alphas to breed with them. I could smell the pheromones from the moment I walked in and know that the effects of them are similar to feeling sick. Strangely enough, sex will help more than any medicine or something like that." "Huh, so it's like the old saying that doing it is good for your health?" "Exactly."

A blond idiot came up to me still confused and kinda excited. "So she needs some help huh? I'm willing to take one for the tea-" "As much as I'd love to see you try Jamming yay, you may die a painful death if you go up there right now." Jiro started to laugh at this while their human robot came over to ask why. "Do Omegas go into an agitated state or something when they are in heat?" He asks this with a karate chop motion. "No, but Alphas aren't too kind to others trying to take their mates from them, especially when it's an Omega. They'll literally fight to the death to claim their mate as their own. So unless you wanna try and fight my brother when he's serious, I'd sit back down and pretend that isn't happening right now."

The fool sat down with the bi colored hair girl Todoroki giving me a piece of bread pudding. "Izuku made it knowing you were coming. Came out really good." "Thank you." I took the piece and grabbed a little to try. My ears and tail shot out by the sweetness to be satisfied. 'Izuku, you do know how to make me happy.' "Good to know you and Deku aren't much different. Wanna play a game and talk about what you missed with your cute older brother." I nodded at Katsumi as her, Mina, Ochako, and Nejire sat around for us to learn about him and me a bit.

After some conversations, Izuku came down with the girl I believed was Tsu looking rather plain facial wise. "Midoriya! I highly recommend you limit your sexual acts to where they do not hinder other stude-" "Iida, please stop." Tsu says this as she holds onto Izuku to make him pat her head. He walks over to the kitchen to get a piece of bread pudding for him and the frog girl before sitting next to me. "Hey Koneko. Sorry I didn't get to greet you when you got here." "It's cool. I got to learn a little about you from the girls, so were even." He smiles at me as we both take a bite from our snacks to smile and wag our tails in unison. "Yeah, no argument their fucking related." "Agreed."

And that finishes the chapter folks. So the workplace study will be a little different with Izuku diving into the Kokabiel arc and another arc that you will learn inside it. During this, he'll get to know the members of the Gremory and Sitri house a little better and maybe gain someone along the way. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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