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Two ~ Sleeping at last

'I am safe'

Smiling into the crook of his shoulder she breathed in his scent trying to remember this moment. Capture it. She was familiar with this feeling: since she was little she always wanted to put the warmth of the sun or the smell of freshly baked brownies into a jar and store it forever, opening it whenever she needed a little reassurance. Reassurance that life wasn't about the exams, deadlines, money, job, achievements or anything such. It was rather about enjoying these small moments. But this time she didn't feel any fear of loosing the moment. She was so happy and content that a white bliss has overcome her: no fear of the future nor any regret of the past. This time she only had the present. The passing seconds. This feeling may scare some but for her it brought pure joy.

She sighed wrapping her hands around his torso pulling him closer, trying to pull him into her body and soul and share the happiness she felt. Putting her lips to his ears she whispered:

'I love you Alex.' she didn't need to explain. He understood her and believed her. Why? Simple. She didn't just say it she showed it with her actions. The small notes left behind, the long talks and her advices, the little kisses stolen suddenly but treasured just the same and her whole being.

'I love you too Ames.'

No more talk was needed. Both of them knew. And instead of wasting the energy to tell each other they put that energy into showing it.

He stroked her head softly thanking the universe for giving her such a wonderful, extraordinary soul. She was all he lived for. The sight of her chest rising and falling slowly made him sigh out in relief: she was his and he was hers. But they weren't each others property. No they were two bodies but one soul.

One soul.

I think that is love.

True, unconditional love.



Above clouds (Short stories)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang