LATER AT DANTE'S birthday party -- the man who's party it was for -- was playing the piano. A bunch of claps sounded through the room as he finished.

"Que linda, Dante!" His mother praised, "Well, here is one who is touched by God." Ms. Ramon shrugged.

Cisco smiled as Caitlin and Chloe both stopped clapping, Chloe was only clapping because she had too, didn't want to be rude now -- Not that the redhead really cared.

Dante walked over, "Ahh, I was a little rusty. I haven't played in a while."

"Oh, well... If that was what you sounded like rusty, I can't imagine what you sound like when you've practiced." Caitlin complimented.

"Oh, for you, I'd practice morning, noon, and night." Dante flirted.

Cisco laughed, "That means you'd actually have to get up in the morning." There was an awkward silence, besides Chloe trying to stifle a laugh.

"So.. Mom tells me you're still working at STAR Labs, huh?" Dante changed the conversation.

"We actually work there with him." Chloe piped up, a small fake smile on her face.

"Yeah, why?" Cisco asked, it seeming that Chloe was ignored by the two brothers, them in their own small world.

"No reason, man. Guess it was just hard to find another job, huh?" Dante joked though it was more of a jab at Cisco.

Cisco's eyes narrowed, "Oh, I wasn't looking. I actually like working at STAR Labs."

"And we couldn't do what we do without Cisco." Caitlin told Dante. "Oh absolutely." Chloe added plastering another fake smile on her face.

"Oh, he's loyal." Dante nodded, "Just like a dog."

The three fell silent, all their faces falling. Chloe seriously wanted to deck this man in the face. How dare he speak to her best friend like he was nothing more than a spec of dirt?

"Oh come on. Why are you so serious, mi hija?" Dante smiled mocking.

Cisco simply gave a tight lipped smile before walking away with a shake of his head, going out the front door.

"Happy birthday." Caitlin waved.

Chloe stayed behind, glaring, her fist clenched so hard she felt her fingers digging into her skin harshly, "Maybe when you think to call someone a dog, think about the fact that you were just hitting on a taken woman."

"Would you rather me flirt with you?" Dante questioned a charming smile on his face.

"I'm taken too, asshat." Chloe hissed, her glare darkening -- her eyes almost looked to be glowing, "Happy birthday." Chloe sent one last fake smile before walking out, following Caitlin. She didn't unclench her zapping fists until the house was out of view.

LATER THAT NIGHT, Barry walked over to where Cisco and Chloe were the woman sipping on a light beer.

"Hey." Barry told the two.

"Oh, hey, man. Thanks for meeting me here." Cisco told him.

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