My mom doesn't want me to go outside when my day off because she want me to rest at home but I can't feel relaxed when my sister and brother bothers me.

I don't hate them I don't like when both of them throwing tantrums when all of us at home.

This place is still the best and I wouldn't tired to come here every day off.


[ I.M/Changkyun POV ]

It's Sunday and we don't have practice today since we're preparing for comeback and all of the members are tired and exhausting.

I was at dorm and Kihyun Hyung woke up early and cooking some breakfast.

"Good morning hyung!!"

"Good morning too Kyun! Why you up so early in the morning."

"Going to exercise then visit my studio"

"Oh I see, but before that wait me to finished this food then eat first before you leave."

"Waaaah! Kombawo hyung!! Gonna change my outfit first."

Kihyun hyung always like that in the morning and we practiced a lot he still manage to cook some foods to us.

Now, I'm ready to go and exercise~

I almost done exercising and will visit my studio in a bit.

( At studio )

I saw a book in the corner of my table and I remember that I visited the library last week and can't still not forget the girl I bumped when I rode a bus. She's cute and she was in hurry that she almost fell. I was going to help her but something on my mind troubling that time.

I discovered the place a few months ago while we are in a fan sign event. I haven't said this to my members because they will not allow to visit there so I took it as a secret even my manager doesn't know it.

"I guess to visit the library today" told myself.

Alright, I'm gonna change my outfit again so no one would recognize me at the public.

I'm wearing large shirt and jacket with hoodie for my top, jogging pants and sneakers, also my mask and cap. I'm pretty sure no one would recognize me in this kind of outfit.

Ready to go!!!!!

Our dorm is not too far for the bustm top since I'm in disguise I need to ride a public bus going to the library.

Here I am many people still waiting for the bus to arrived and q famikiar girl caught my eyes. And it seems the girl I bumped few weeks ago.

Should I bumped to her again intentionally so I can tease her one more time or not but never mind.

A lot people wanted to do first because they wanted to seat so I accidentally bumped to her again and I didn't intend to do it. I was pushed at the back so I pushed her.

"Oh my bad!!"

And this time she yelled at me ....

"Yah! Are you blind?" The girl said.

I ignored him and pretended that I didn't hear her because it will be trouble and I don't want to recognize ate this many people inside of the bus.

So, I continue and find a seat like nothing happens. I played a song and bowed my head then I was curious about the girl if she's mad at me because I didn't say sorry.

I was looking at her then our eyes met. She seated next to a grandma it's like a one seat apart.

When our eyes met I want to say sorry but she looks shocked when our eyes met. Instead of saying sorry I lied and asked her.

"Why are you looking at me Miss?"

She's so cute because I see in her actions that she intendedly to look at me but she said..

"Ahm! Nothing, I was looking outside."

Her responsed feels like she's nervous and didn't know what to say because I caught her.

I smiled and I was thankful that I wore mask and she will not see it.

An hour passed then the bus stopped and I'm finally here. ( The library )

I didn't see the girl after I stepped out from the bus I guess she walked fast. Anyway, I haven't seen a lot of people today and I wished this place like this everyday and I feel more safe that no one could recognize.

I lookes around the place first, finding the books to read. I sat on the floor where I found the same book that I have at my studio.

I get the book and finding the place I sat last week with a great view.

I was going to seat but.....

"Yahhhhhhh! It's my place!!!!"

both of us said and it's the girl in the bus...


Finally !!!!!!!!

New beginning and story.

Before I unpublish and deleted old chapter I decided to change the plot of this story but a lot of things happened and I don't have time to complete the plot but after a month of being hiatus the final plot of this story came to my mind.

I'm so hankful that there's still people reading my stories and still continues to support all my stories

Stay safe and healthy everyone !! Always wear your mask!!!

Thank you guys!!!

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