Old Times

425 21 4


So Kelly, Michelle and I haven't had lunch together in a while and that's what we do together that's our thing.

Well of course I'm the first one to show up on time.

I sat my purse next to me while the waiter passed out 3 menus.

"Hey girl" I looked up it was Michelle..

I smiled looking at her she looked beautiful for her beauty does come with age.

"Hey you how've you been" I asked as she sat down.

"I've been good" she said smiling "You?"

"Life is good" I said she nodded.

"That's good, where's kels" she asked "I don't know she should be here any minute" I said looking over my menu.

That's when I heard grumbling noises coming up towards us.

Both Michelle and I looked up it was kelly she didn't look too happy.

"Hey Kelly" I greeted

"Hey" she said without looking up.

Michelle pulled out her chair for her and she sat down.

"You okay" Michelle asked

"Yeah I'm fine" she said putting her hair behind her ears.

"You sure" I asked concerned. "Look I said I was fine can we just drop it" she spat

"Okay" I said "well anyway how've you been"

Kelly didn't say anything to us. She sighed deeply.

She let out a whimper.

Me and Michelle looked at each other confused

"Kelly what's wrong?" Michelle asked.

"I think Marlon is cheating on me" she cried

"Why do you think that" I asked

"Well because he's coming home more late then usual" Kelly said

"Do you think or do you know" I asked

"I think I know he's cheating" Kelly cried

"Kelly you don't even know if he is" Michelle said.

"Yeah he wouldn't cheat on you, your pregnant and his wife" I said

"I know that's why it's just so hard to even think about" Kelly said

"Honey why don't you talk to him then" Michelle suggested

"Then he'll think I don't trust him" Kelly said.

"Do you?" I asked

"No but he doesn't need to know that" Kelly spat

I smiled.

Just like old times eating lunch with the girls. My girls.

My Girlfriends (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz