Normal Problems

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Kelly pov

I sighed looking at Kenny's grave it's been a while since I've been here with all that's happened.

Marlon and I got married. Junior is almost 4 now I can't believe how much my life is changing and I can't help but think about how Kenny is the reason why the things in my happened when they did.

I smiled looking down at my bracelet he gave me this and his favorite black jacket were the only things I had left of him.

"Kelly you ready to go" bey asked behind me I had her drive me here she said it would be nice to get out of the house .

"Yeah I guess so" I said still looking down at Kenny's grave.

"I know you miss him" she put her hands on my shoulders.

"I do more then anything" I said honestly I did miss him more then usual. I sighed.

"Let's go" I said.

We were walking back to the car. And something was wrong in my stomach I stopped dead in my tracks.

When Bey noticed I wasn't right next to her she stopped too and she turned to me

"Kelly you okay?" she asked walking towards me."I don't feel so good " I said rubbing my stomach then a sharp pain came out of nowhere.

"Mmm" I moaned in pain.

"Okay let's get you home" she said leading me to the car.

Driving back home I could tell bey was worried about me.

"How are you feeling kels" she asked making a turn.

"Better" I answered looking out the window. "Bey did that ever happen to you while you were pregnant" I asked.

"No I don't think so" she said

I closed my eyes And rested.

Bey pov

I parked in the driveway of Kelly's house. I looked over at her and she was  asleep.

I tapped her shoulder. "Kelly"

She stretched as she looked at me. "Where are we?"she asked

"You're home" I answered smiling

"Oh" she sat up and unbuckled her seat belt.

I got out and shut my door.

I opened the door for her. She attempted to stand but couldn't get up.

"Let me help you preggers" I said and grabbed her hands and helped her up.

"Every time I get out of a car" she said I smiled.

We walked into her house and Marlon wasn't home. I knew she would probably be mad about that.

"Ugh everyday" she said dryly.

"Kelly he's working" I said she gave me a cold stare "I know he's working I just wish he wasn't working on days we should be spending together" she said sitting on the couch.

"Maybe he could take time off " I suggested

She shook her head "Not this week maybe not ever" she whined

"Oh Kelly it'll get better" I assured her

"It may nev---"

I looked at her she was looking down at her stomach.

"Kelly are you okay" I asked.

"It kicked" she replied "Bey it kicked feel it"she snatched my hand and made my hand touch her baby bump.

It kicked. "Aww"

"I can't believe this" she was starting to get emotional. She has had a baby before.

Then her smile turned into a frown.

"Oh" she groaned

"What is it" I asked what was this baby doing to her.

"I don't know" she said through her teeth. "Maybe the baby is excited"

I laughed. "Well your baby shower is 2 weeks away"

"Then a month after that is Michelle's wedding" she said as she laid back.

The front door opened. "Baby I'm home" Marlon said as he walked in.

"It's about damn time" Kelly spat

"I wasn't even that late" he said taking his jacket off

"It's almost 2 o'clock " Kelly said with a lot of attitude

"Okay sorry" he said

"I'm just sick of you not ever being around" kelly said

"I'm around" he defended himself

"Barely" kelly crossed her arms.

"Look I think I better get going" I said but kelly grabbed my arm making me sit right next to her.

"Kelly you need to realize that I have a job to take care of" marlon said

"And you have a wife who happens to be carrying your child to take care of " Kelly said

"Where is all this coming from" Marlon asked

Kelly just looked at him "don't you ask that because I've been almost begging you to get some time off and you never have anytime" Kelly said dryly

"Kelly I have a job okay a job that makes us money"

"I get paid to" kelly crossed her arms

"Maybe I should----"

"I didn't say you didn't get paid" Marlon said

"You know what I'm not in the mood to deal with this" Kelly said as she stood up.

"Seems like your not in the mood for anything anymore" I heard Marlon mutter under his breath.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow kel" I said hugging her

"Bye bey" she walked me to the door.

And I left.

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