Chapter 49: Miss Me?

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Alex's POV
I walked in and saw Jacob sitting in a chair. Looking at Crystal like a puzzle trying to be solved. What is on his mind?

"Miss me brother?" I stood up against the door way, as it looks I had startled him out of his daze.

"Seriously Alex. You actually scared me for once. Also what took your TAN ASS so long?" Jacob asked.

"How do you know it ain't no beautiful WHITE ASS?" I asked right back with even more sarcasm.

"Wow honestly I don't even want to know." Jacob said putting a hand to his head shaking it side to side.

"Actually neither do I." I nodded my head.
Jacob slowly turned to me looking so confused.

"BUT AIN'T IT YOUR ASS?" He questioned me loudly.

"Last time I checked it sure was." I winked.

"Sometimes you worry me Alex but I don't know what I'd do without you." My brother sighed. It's crazy nobody but only four or so know that we are brothers.

"Awe is the Jacob Stone getting soft?" I questioned him with sarcasm.

"If you ever say that I will make sure you don't have a mouth to use." Jacob demanded.

"Haha. So Um how is she?" I asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. She has a lot of emotions running through her. I think she needs a break." Jacob rambled.

"Oh. I feel bad for putting her through this. What about Jennifer?" I asked.

"Well she had to go through surgery and I've waited hours for her to wake up. Then I decided to wait until you go here." Jacob sighed.

"Ah I see. I hope I didn't keep you for too long. Jacob I think we shouldn't you know." I raised my eyebrows.

"I know Alex. We have all only brought danger and death, maybe even some excitement." Jacob quietly agreed with me.

"Jacob. Luna told me it wouldn't matter whether we are close to them or not. There are others involved not just us and Jennifer's family is in on it all too." I told him.

"It is what it is. We need to take care of them but at a distance." Jacob advised.

"We will talk about it later." I said to him.
As Jacob walked out crystal had woken up and a nurse had appeared.

"Oh my god, Crystal!" This nurse yelled in excitement.

"Dr. O'Nell?" Crystal asked doubtful.

"Yes hunny. Last time I saw you was when we had those test runs and it worked out. I mean after visit after visit I was wondering when Jennifer would find the right thing. Speaking of why are both of y'all here looking like you just came out of a terminator movie?" She asked.
Crystal looked upset, maybe she said too much with me here or maybe she's confused.

"Accidents O'Nell." Crystal said her name aggressively.

"Right so that meds that she's been on..."

"They don't work anymore for like that past month or two I haven't seen her take any." Crystal's eyebrows furrowed.
The nurse just looked at her.

"Why haven't you gotten the right ones then for Jennifer?" Crystal asked.

"Crystal. I haven't seen Jennifer in a year or two." O'Nell said worried.

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