"No More Secrets, Mr. Sunflower!"

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Blue eyes hesitantly met black.

Yagi almost wanted to reach out to Aizawa, to apologise for keeping this huge secret. He wanted to convince him that it was for the best. Anything to keep him from hating him. He didn't want that. Please, don't make him hate me! He pled with no one in particular.

But when he saw the way Aizawa looked at him, his already heavy heart fell like a brick.

There was no hate or scorn in his eyes, no betrayal. His face was unreadable and his eyes, focused on Yagi, didn't give even the slightest hint into what he was thinking. If anything, Aizawa just looked...exhausted. The dark haired teacher walked out quietly as the other teachers excitedly crowded around Yagi. Only he seemed to have noticed Aizawa's silent exit.

The blond forced himself to return his attention to the other heroes, awkwardly forcing a polite smile. Mic was talking about having him as a guest on his radio show; Yagi pushed aside the heavy feeling in his chest and agreed. "That would be great, thank you." If he gave away how he really felt, nobody said anything.

He sighed as he sank into his office chair, pretending not to notice that Aizawa was nowhere to be found. While he knew he should be working on preparing his classes before the school year started in just a few days, his mind couldn't help but wander.

He never meant for what he and Aizawa had to become so...important. It hadn't started out as being anything more than a casual act of kindness.

Yagi had seen him when he was glancing outside, wondering if the downpour would mess up his garden bed. He hoped not; he'd only started getting the flowers to grow in the past year or so, and they always put him in a good mood when he saw them. But he stopped caring about his flowers when he saw someone hunched over his front gate.

Yagi Toshinori, even with as frail as he looked, was still a hero at heart. And he would never forgive himself if he didn't help someone who was in need. (Though if he ever said that to Aizawa, he might've scoffed at the idea that he was in need of help.)

So he invited the dark haired man into his home, gave him a warm drink and dry clothes. If his tub had been clean, he would've offered to run him a bath. The scarved man looked dead tired, so the blond wasn't surprised when he fell asleep during the movie's opening scenes. He just carried him off to bed; if he was that tired, he needed a good night of rest, not a couple hours on a small couch.

(Though Yagi would never admit he used a part of his three "All Might" hours that night to pick his unexpectedly heavy visitor up.)

When morning came, he made coffee, the same blend as last night. The man seemed to like it before. Should he make breakfast too? Yes, he definitely should! That man was running on fumes, a healthy, warm breakfast would do him some good. Omelettes with lots of veggies and some whole grain toast, he decided. Nothing made a morning better than that!

But the mystery man didn't eat it. So he would wear his clothes, sleep in a stranger's bed, but accepting food from a stranger was too far? What an odd sense of stranger danger! He had to stop himself from laughing; it was unexpectedly funny...and a bit cute, actually with how wary he suddenly was.

Which wasn't something he usually thought about other men, but it wasn't the first time. Or the last. But that was completely beside the point.

Even with all that happened and all he did, after he saw the other man (he knew him from somewhere, even if he couldn't quite place the face), he hadn't expected anything to come of it. It was just an interesting one time encounter with a handsome man one rainy night, nothing more.

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