Crying time!

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"Bruno, it's okay. Please calm down." Abbacchio was starting to get stressed over Bruno because his mental health hasn't been improving at all since he's gotten here. Bruno started to whimper. Narancia walked over to try and hug Bruno but that just made Bruno weep even more. Narancia backed off and stood off a bit. Abbacchio sat on the couch next to Bruno and cautiously put his hand on Bruno's side. He kissed Bruno on his cheek and hugged him. Abbacchio didn't know what to do and he was stressed. He didn't want Narancia to worry so he tried calming Bruno down. "Baby, breathe in and out. It's okay, please calm down..." Abbacchio was trying to maintain a calm and collected voice but it was slowly breaking. Narancia got Bruno a box of tissues and a comfy blanket. He wrapped the blanket around Bruno and Abbacchio and put the tissues next to Bruno. He went to the kitchen to find some comfort food for them. Narancia knew Abbacchio was trying to maintain his composure so he wanted to try to assist him with that as well. When Narancia went into the kitchen, Abbacchio had tears streaming down his face. He kept whispering, "It's okay Bruno, it's gonna be okay. I love you and we're gonna make it through this. It's okay... It's okay..." he wasnt making eye contact with Bruno and was just looking straight ahead. Bruno handed him a tissure and Abbacchio started crying more, he even accidentally let a sound slip from his throat. He put his head on Bruno's shoulder and kept crying, not even trying to hold his tears back anymore. He was silently crying and so was Bruno.

B-Bruabba fic😳😳😳Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt