Romero's Break

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"Occasionally." Rarely. "Oh, so you're the one that got Mia high."

"Yep, that was me," he laughs nervously. "Should I not have done that?"

"Here's the second bathroom. I dunno. Didn't bother me, then again I'm not the one you should worry about."

Kimori's face becomes stoic at this and he looks like he wants to ask more questions but doesn't. He'll find out everything eventually. Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.


I was right. In the weeks that follow Kimori becomes close with Seven and Mia. The three youngest. They play in the back yard, catching butterflies on their noses and sunlight in their hair. They watch cringey childhood classics and argue when Seven doesn't know the lyrics. They laugh together over things no one else finds funny.

Kimori shows Seven how to laugh again. He shows Mia how to be just friends.

"We've sold so much this week," I say. Mia's away while the rest of us are huddled around L's office set up. Triple monitors and big numbers. "I didn't think we'd run out of stock this fast."

"That's good right?" Kimori asks. He looks like a bunny. Glassy eyed and buck-toothed. The screen casts a sweet shade of white to his skin as he stands unreasonably close to it.

"Yeah, it means our sales are up even faster than we can keep up with them," L responds. He's standing right beside Kimori, an inch shorter yet broader.

"We'll have to up our production, let Diana know how well it's going," Von chimes in.

"It's thanks to you," Seven beams at Kimori. He's not wrong. Apparently Kimori's family is some sort of longtime drug dealing monarchy. They taught him everything as he's expected to be the eventual lead. So he has a family and what's more, it's actually useful.

"Thank you–"

"We're getting better just like Diana said we would. Calamari can't take all of the credit for it," Von interjects.

"Actually I think all of the credit should go to you, Bonbon," Kimori smiles.

"Do you now, Calamari?"

"Yes, I do Bonbon, and do you wanna know what else?"

"No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me."

Kimori moves closer, almost crowds Von as the older leans back the slightest bit.

"I think you're a wonderful leader." His smile widens as Von deadpans. Kimori never fails to fluster him with his kindness. He doesn't return his insults or his criticisms. He smiles shyly when Von tells him to shut up and he stops when Von tells him to stop. It's not even teasing as much as it is genuine adoration. Even the nickname he gave him is cute.

Von's neck is turning red and it's the most embarrassing thing. I've seen him blush maybe four times in all of the years I've known him and two of those times have been in the past couple of weeks.

I look over and see Seven with furrowed eyebrows. He feels bad for having started the confrontation, no matter how light it was.

"Wanna go make out?" I ask him.

"Oh my god!" Seven throws his head back, the soft skin there tempting me even further. "I thought you'd never ask."

Bend and Break(poly)(bxb)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora