Raihan is not done!

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Some days are passed since Raihan got lost in the fairy-forest and during this time he just thought about planning his new attack!
Leon was on the Lake of Outrage, in the Wild Area, training his Charizard against the dragon-type Pokemons that are resident there.

Raihan came up with his bike to the little island and saw Leon fighting against a Drakloak

"Why here?"- asked Raihan to the Galar's champion
"I'm training against dragon-type Pokémon! As you can see..."- replied
"Can't even imagine why dragon-type Pokémons!"- said Raihan ironically

Leon gave a look at Raihan with a little smile but he had to turn his head immediatly 'cause he was busy for the battle

Raihan than pretended to go away but he just hid behind a tree and ordered to his Turtonator to use Sunny Day...

After a couple of minutes Leon felt the incredible boiling sensation and decided to get off his cloack and his shirt, remaining completly shirtless.

Raihan then asked his Flygon to prepare a sand trap near Leon and all he had to do now was to wait...

When finally Leon finished his battle he went directly into Raihan's sand-trap!

"What the...?!"- Leon exulted "Why the ground is like quicksand?! Help! Someone!!! Help!" - shouted Leon.

He couldn't ask his Charizard to help him because he had already been called back and now Leon's belt with the pokeballs was under the sand...

Raihan so came out from his hide and went to Leon that was slowly sinking in the sand...

"Raihan! Help me! Please!"- begged Leon

"Of course I will help you! Let me show you how! Flygon! Go!"- said Raihan and Flygon started moving the sand...

Leon was now completly covered by sand except his head and his feet that were emerging from the sand...

The devilish boy took Leon's shoes away and had a quick sniff at Leon's socked feet

"Urgh... are these your socks or your feet?! They smell very bad!"- and quickly took Leon's socks away

"I haven't changed them this morning... sorry..."- replied Leon with a very embarassed voice

"Don't worry, happens to everybody"- said Raihan as he sniffed Leon's bare feet again

[Dirty-smelly love feet readers]:
"You know what? They still smell very bad but it's a particular smell... it... hypnotises me... it's like they're asking me to tickle them... and then "cleaning them" in a very beautiful way!"- said Raihan that kept sniffing

Meanwhile Leon was trying to hold the laughter when he felt Raihan's nose between his toes!

"I think I'll listen to them!"-.

[For clean feet lovers readers]:
"Mutch better! It's incredible how the socks can smell very bad but not the feet! That means you wash them very often!"- commented Raihan

"Yeah, every evening, before going to bed, when I wash time I feel thousand times better!"- replied Leon happily but his smile instantly disappeared as Raihan placed his cheeck onto Leon's right sole

"Awww how soft!"- said Raihan as he gave a kiss at Leon's sole!

Leon shivered and giggled as he felt the cold and wet touch of Raihan's lips!


"Mmh... they look even softer than the other time..."-

"Oh no! Not again! Please!"- said Leon angrily

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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Leon takes his revenge on Raihan (Leon tickles Raihan)Where stories live. Discover now