Voice of an angel

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A/n: making fics about L's voice again? Yes.

Hc: L can only truly express himself through music.

Late at night was when the taskforce felt most surreal. It was quiet, empty and your foot steps seemed to echo when you walked. Sitting out in Misa's balcony, legs through the railing and hanging off the edge. You both sat and watched the cars go by below you, heads resting on each others shoulders. Stress was something you currently shared. Over many things. Being the only two girls in taskforce you took solidarity in each other.

"Maybe L's right..." she sighed.

"About what?" You replied.

"Maybe I was kira... and I just lost his power and memories"

"I'm afraid to say I think that's what happened"

"Does that make me a murderer? Even if I didn't know my own actions?"

You didn't know how to respond. The Kira case was hard, a tricky one. If she was brainwashed, then no... but if anything else happened then yes... it was a slippery slope.

"I don't know... this case is killing me, Misa. I just don't know what to do anymore" you sighed.

"Neither do I..."

The breeze was gentle, and despite being in a massive busy city, you were so high up, only one floor from the roof, that it was silent. Apart from the sounds of wind and crickets chirping, it was quiet. The taskforce all asleep several floors down.

"I'm so worried..." you sighed.

"About... the case? Or yourself?"

"About L"

"L?" Misa questioned.

"He's so depressed. I can see it, I just wish he'd understand that even if the taskforce are skeptical of him, I'm still here. I love him, Misa. I really do, but I don't know how to get though to someone who doesn't know how to express his emotions... I just want him to be ok, and stop stressing so badly over the case. I know it's hard, I know. But it's bad for him"

Misa wrapped an arm around you.

"Love is hard... I know. And they say that love and death coincide, it's no coincidence you found him when you did. This case is riddled with death, but if you could just get under his skin, love could bloom" she said.

You both dwelled I'm silence and the comfort of each other for a moment, when suddenly it was broken by a beautiful sound.

"She tied you to her kitchen chair
And she broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah..."

You both looked at each other, then up in the direction of the voice that echoed through the night sky.

"Hallelujah, Hallelujah..."

Like the sounds you hear entering the gates of heaven, the voice of an angel rang in your ears. So full of raw emotion and sadness, something you'd never heard sung like that before.

"Is that..." Misa began.

"L?" You ended.

"But baby I've been here before
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor
You know, I used to live alone before I knew ya..."

His voice was too familiar to be anyone else, plus it was in English. You and L were the only ones who were fluent, it had to be him.

"He's... amazing!" Misa gasped.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن