Prologue: The Guardian Strikes

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It was good. After the extinction of the human race itself, the last of the humans were desperate to try and keep their population alive since reproduction was no longer an option. Without any luck, they decided to do the impossible: Create humans out of machines.

While what they did was a success, the machines did not create humans. It rather created strange creatures with skin on only their faces, while a colored fur covered the rest of their body. They had no fingers on their hands, no toes on their feet, strange antenna on their heads, and a television screen on their stomachs. But it was the only population left alive to form on Earth.

These machines have been creating these beings for hundreds of years now, working in a secret underground lair. One of their creations was covered in snow white fur and dubbed 'The Guardian' by the last of the humans, given a job to monitor a particular group in secret before those humans passed away. 

The four beings that The Guardian was watching were known as 'Tink, Dip, Laa, and Po'. They all lived in The Superdome, a dome like house that lived within a landscape known as The Mainland. The group were like hamsters in a cage, completely and entirely unaware that they were being watched within a fixed area. But, an artificially intelligent machine who would often clean their messes watched over them so they wouldn't get into any trouble, despite his later intentions to the whole race. 

The Guardian monitored their behavior and documented them, almost learning everything about them. He had to make sure that they were safe, healthy, and unable to leave. But over the years, he began to grow a bond with them somehow, despite the four not knowing of his existence at all. He began to care for them as if they were his own friends and family, since he had no one else. 

But one day? Everything went wrong. Laa, the yellow tubby, was given a horrible nightmare about her friends being murdered by an evil being, and despite not understanding, she was worried it would happen in real life. What she didn't know, is that the nightmare was actually a vision of the future. For their main food source, custard, became infected with a deadly virus that would kill them after hours and turn their bodies into a vicious and deadly killing machine. Tink, the purple tubby, was the first to become infected.

Not in his own mind, he killed all of his friends without a hint of remorse, decapitating Dip, clawing out Laa's eyes, and hanging Po from a tree. When The Guardian became horrified of what he had learned and saw with his own eyes, he went to stop Tink but was outmatched when Tink had evolved into a tank sized hulk.

Escaping to call the Military, The Guardian had regretfully slain the undead Laa and Dip and a giant android warrior known as 'The Announcer'. 

The Guardian had eventually discovered that the machine that watched over his old friends was the one who infected their supply of custard, turning them into his army of undead monsters. The machine had told The Guardian that their race was inferior and his virus was making them better.

Outraged, The Guardian destroyed the The Announcer and was about to face the machine who he thought started it all.

The snow white tubby ran out of the Satellite Station, his body boiling with rage and hatred, gripping the chainsaw he stole from the infected Dip. As he ran against the metal floor, he saw the machine rolling across the desert rock.

He ran over to him. "STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" He screamed.

The machine turned around and then became baffled. "Why are you here? You should be dead."

"I'm not letting you get away with what you've done!!" The Guardian snarled as he revved up the chainsaw, gripping it tightly.

"No, things have just begun." The machine told him. "The machines are creating an army of New Borns. They're flooding the lands, infecting all life as we speak."

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