When It All falls Down - PT 2

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We've finally come to an end with this book. I hope you all enjoy! Books 2 will be out soon.
Thank you all for your continued support. -SheWritesDior


Tears blurred my vision as I tried my hardest to drive steadily. I sniffled and wiped at my eyes as I swerved in between the lanes. Those last few moments with Erica's were on constant replay in my mind.

I could see it in her eyes, she hated me. I couldn't blame her though. If the roles were reversed and one of my sisters were in the same position as King, I don't know if I would be able to forgive her either. Deep down inside I was praying that she would find it in her heart to forgive me but maybe that was just wishful thinking.

It was times like this when I missed my brother so much. He was always my go to no matter what. I could talk to him about anything and he never judged me. He always told me that everything happens for a reason, and that every obstacle that you faced was just a lesson or a blessing in disguise. I needed some of his wisdom right now...I needed him here.

I continued driving, doing my best to get myself together...I had to get myself together. I loved Erica but I couldn't lose myself over this. I still had a daughter to think about. I had dreams and goals that I still needed to accomplish. I had to be strong, even if my heart was shattering into pieces.

I pulled up to Carmen's apartment, and she pretty much ran outside. She must've been looking out of her window while she waited for me because she was in the passenger seat in less than five seconds.

"Come on, hop in the back. I'm driving." She placed a calming hand on my thigh. I took a few deep breaths and gathered myself.

"Nah, I'm good." I sniffled, wiping my eyes and nose on my sleeve.

"You're not good...now move. That bitch is hunting down my brother as we speak so every minute I have to sit here and argue with your ass is a minute lost. I know where he's at and we gotta' go now Cyn."

I relinquished all control and finally complied with Carmen's orders. She was right, I was in no shape to be driving right now, it was a blessing that I made it to her house in the first place. I reluctantly climbed onto the passenger side as we swapped seats. I closed my eyes as I focused on breathing steadily. My only focus right now was breathing, if I focused on anything else I'd probably lose it. Carmen climbed into the driver's seat and quickly pulled off.

She knew where Cam posted up most days. If he was in the city, he only made moves in a few places. Hopefully we could get to him before Erica did. We drove for what seemed like forever until we finally reached the building.

I was all too familiar with this place, it was the same place my fast ass would skip school to come and see Cam at. I had a lot of memories here, crazy to think how much had changed.

"We're here, come on..." she tapped my shoulder making me quickly snap out of it. We hurried into the building and climbed the stairs up to the spot. It was at the far end of the hall.

A strong odor of marijuana hit my nostrils as soon as Carmen & I turned the corner and approached the door. My heart began to thump against my chest. My anxiety was through the roof.

I watched as Carmen banged on the door like she was the damn police. I heard rustling movements behind the metal door before his voice filled my ears.

"Who the fuck is it!?" The angry toned voice called out.

"You're fucking family ass hole, open this shit up!" Carmen shouted back.

The door swung open and there Cam stood, gun in hand. "Damn my bad, the hall be too dark this time of night, can't see shit. Hurry up, come in."

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