Terrible Things

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   "Hey dad," I yelled as I walked in from school. "I need your advice. It's about a girl..."

    I heard metal hit the floor and my father curse. I dropped my backpack and ran into the kitchen to see a put tipped over on the floor with a small puddle of water and soap bubbles around it. My dad was standing there frozen looking at the mess with an expression that was half scared and half worried. His dress shirt was soaked and it was obvious he tried catching the dish.

     "Dad, it's okay. I'll get the mop," I said, heading toward the closet in the hall.

     "No," my father spoke. He wiped his hands on his black jeans and welled toward me. "It can wait. We need to talk."

     "Dad! Please do NOT make me suffer through that awkward sex talk again. I already know use condoms and stay away from-"

     "No, no, no. I think it's time I told you the while story. About mom."

     Mom. I heard the word but never truly knew it. It wasn't taken lightly to talk about mom. She passed before I could crawl. Dad only gave me one photo of her and kept the rest hidden... He led me to the living room and sat me down on the couch.

    "Okay. Look.... By the time I was your age I'd give anything fall in live tilt was all I could think-" dad started the story.


   "That's when I met your mother, the girl of my dreams. The most beautiful women that I'd ever seen. She looked at me, smiled, and she said, 'boy can I tell you a wonderful thing? I'm can't help but notice you're staring at me. I know I shouldn't say this but I really believe that I can see your eyes that you're in love with me." He said, smiling sadly at the old memory of what used to be.


    "Son, I'm only telling you this because life... can do terrible things."

I stayed silent, unsure of where this was going.

     "Now most of the time, we'd have too much to drink. We'd laugh at the stars and we'd share everything. One of those times, I looked her in the eye and I said, 'girl can I tell you a wonderful thing? I made you a present with paper and string.open with care now, i'm asking you please. You know that I love you. Will you marry me?'"

    "You tacky proposed like that?"

    "Son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things. You'll learn one day. I hope and I pray that God shows you differently..."

   "Why? What she'd say?" I pressed on.

   "She said..." he choked back tears. "She said, 'boy can I tell you a terrible thing? It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks. Please don't be sad now, I really believe you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me...."

    It took me a second to realize. "Mom..." slowly, so slow, I fell to the ground on my knees.

     "So don't fall in love. There's just too much to loose. If you're given the choice then I veg you to choose to walk away. Walk away and don't let her get you. I can't bear to see type same happen to you,"

    I looked up to see my father's face stained with tears of his past.

    "Son, only telling you this because life can do terrible things..."

    And that's when my father fell to the floor. His chest no longer filled with air to breathe. He was dead from a broken heart.


HEY GUYS. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS. I put a lot of effort into these even though they aren't long. It was completely based on the song by Mayday Parade.
   If you'd like me to write one about a specific song, please comment the song!!  I'm open to a by song by any band. Also, I welcome all feedback.
Thanks kittens!

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