Chapter 21

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People who are unable to abandon anything...

Will fail to bring about any change!

I know...

When the time came.... I clung to my comrades and the bonds we shared, and failed.

Think back...

Unknowingly, a scene of the Special Operations Squad's members dying flashed in his memories, and after that, he once again recalled his mother being eaten by a titan.

An indescribable fury welled up to his heart.

I'll... exterminate... No!

I'll kill!

I don't have time to think about whether it's right or not!

Just start by moving!

Don't get up in ideals!


The world's a cruel place!


A yellow lightning formed in the sky and struck down, earning the attention of many residents, even Commander Erwin and Levi who is currently with the shitty commander of Military Police Brigade, Nile Dawk.

"What is it this time?!" He shouted, and Erwin just watched the phenomenon with a grim expression.

Loud thuds can be heard and the ground is shaking, warning Annie of someone dangerous. Her eyes squinted as she remembered what Erza said.

Damn it, Eren. Go easy in this fight, will you?


"Annie, fall."

Annie, who is currently in the nape of her titan form, almost want to applaud for Erza's accuracy. Mikasa really stopped her escape, and dared to mock her.

Now, she has to endure the pain of her titan head being ripped off and pray that the shitty captain will come sooner so that she would not be eaten by Eren. As that time comes nearer, she could not help but feel nervous, and she almost wanted to make a protection for herself, but then, she remembered what Erza told her.

'And don't ever encase yourself in a hardened crystal.'

Is this what she meant?

This is quite impossible! She'll die if she don't!

Annie is about to encase herself in the hardened crystal that Erza mentioned, when a figure flew to Eren's nape and cut it open.

Levi Ackerman.

No matter how shitty this man is in her eyes, well, she owes her life to him. But damn it! Why arrive so late? She almost broke her deal with that damn scarlet witch!

Mikasa and the others immediately flew to Eren's side, while Annie got subdued by Hanji and Levi. She struggled and tried to escape, but hell, Levi's and Hanji's grip is strong.

She originally wanted to talk peacefully with Erwin, but they left her no choice but to shout her name.

"Erza Scarlet will die if you don't listen to me!"

She successfully made Levi stop and loosen his grip, but that earned her hateful glares from the Ackermans and Eren (who just woke up).

She smirked.

"You must know that I have accomplices... One signal from me and they'll kill that witch." Forgive me for using you, Erza.

Mikasa is about to shout and scold Annie for threatening them, but Annie did not let her talk.

She immediately said, "If you want information from me, read this letter, damned eyebrows."

Erwin made no reaction and took the letter from Annie's subdued hand. As soon as he read the letter, he ordered, "Release her. She's got something to say."

Hanji's expression crumbled. "But-"

"That is an order."

Levi took one last glare at Annie before releasing his tight grip on her wrists. It is noticeable that Annie's wrist is red and swollen, making her grit her teeth.

Should've killed him in the forest.

Annie scowled and walked towards Erwin, who is currently shaken by the content of the letter.

"Someone sent me here to be your ally, with conditions, of course."

Her words stirred their thoughts, confusing them, except for Erwin.

This is one of Erza's plans, it seems.

Erwin sighed, and shouted, "Prepare for the trip back to Wall Rose! I'll deal with the superiors quickly."

A loud 'yes, sir!' was then heard laced with hesitation.


This must've been the most awkward meal for Annie in her whole lifetime. After the sudden commotion with the sighting of titans inside the walls, Mikasa, Armin, Eren and Jean eyed her, trying to read her thoughts. Even while eating, they would observe her every movements.


"Can you please stop staring at me? Don't you know that staring is rude?"

Mikasa scoffed. "Says the one who threatened us that she'll kill Erza-san."

Annie rolled her eyes before mumbling, "As if she'll die that easily."

Eren did not mind their small bantering and still continued to stare at Annie. He then realised something.

"Annie, what made you change your mind?"

They stilled at Eren's question, while Annie scoffed. "Someone offered me something I cannot afford to say no to."

"...Erza-nee?" Armin guessed, although he wishes that it is not her. But it is impossible, because if Annie is the human form of the Female Titan... then she... must have fought Erza when they were on the 57th Expedition!

Annie smirked, amused of their facial expressions.

I can't wait to see their reaction once Erza tells them their future!

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