In retrospect, Levi was a very lucky guy. Levi knew that he was. This could have gone so wrong. It could have gone wrong since the very beginning… “You know, I’m glad you won that auction… Who knows where I’d be, what I’d be doing or if I would be alive…” Levi was expressing his gratitude. He was thankful that he didn’t have to endure hell anymore. It really was all thanks to Eren… Levi curled into Eren, placing his forehead against Eren’s chest. I’m grateful that you don’t beat me… grateful that you treat me right… that you take your time with me… you’re patient… warm… understanding… You make me feel complete.

            “You really must have gone through hell in there to say something like that…” Eren paused and Levi could hear Eren’s heartbeat. He felt Eren’s hands on him, one on his back, the other grazing through his hair. “Were there others like you?”

            Levi shifted, “You mean people who have wings like I do?” His wings flapped as he said that. He watched as Eren nodded. Levi hesitated, “Yes. There were four of us in total.”

            “What happened to the other three?” Eren inquired.

            “Two are dead… The other… I’m not sure if she’s alive or not.” Levi frowned as memories of what happened in the past came back to him.

            Eren rubbed Levi’s scars in a comforting manner, “Will you tell me what happened?” He paused and looked down at Levi, “I mean, if you’re not comfortable with telling me, or if you’re not ready to talk about it, then I’ll wait.”

            Levi bit his lip. “No, it’s fine. I’ll tell you. But are you sure that you want to hear it..? Eren, it’s not a happy ending…”

            “I didn’t expect it to be…” Eren paused, “Have you ever been in love Levi?”

            Levi moved to sit fully on Eren’s lap. He sat comfortably, “Let me tell my story first and then I’ll answer your question.” And Levi went into story mode.


            Cold. I was shivering in my cage. It was relatively quiet in here since it was night time and the viewing was over. Man, I fucking hate the viewings. It’s like another form of torture. I’d rather be beaten to a pulp, that’s how annoying it is. I crawled onto my bed and pulled the thin ass blanket over me. My wings wrapped around me, they were the only things I’d let get this close. They were the only things that kept me warm and that I felt truly safe in… They were also the reason I was in this shitty dump. I couldn’t get out even if I tried.

            I guess it’s not all that bad in here… I get fed, I take cold showers, it’s quiet at night, it’s almost clean in my cage, and I have somewhat decent clothes to keep me warm. Well I also have this lame excuse for a bed that I’m sitting on. Not cozy at all… If anything it is as hard as a rock or the floor of this cage. But nothing less, it’s still a shitty bed.

            I was just about to fall asleep when I heard some chains rattling in the darkness and voices. “Listen here you little bitch, you better behave. No funny business. The doctors say you need to get back to health… ‘Maybe having a companion will help.’ They said… Fuck that. I think we should kill you… but lucky for you I get paid more if you’re alive.” The guard chuckled. I flinched as the lights were suddenly turned on. I blinked several times before I could see but once I opened them, I was in total shock… There was someone else with wings… A girl, probably around my age but she had red hair and ginger colored wings. They approached my cage and one of the guards pointed his gun at me. “Don’t move bastard, or I’ll shoot you dead.”

Levi's Wings of Freedom (LevixEren) Shingeki no Kyojinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن