Chapter Nine

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As I zipped up my suitcase I heard the front door open and shut and I hear Ellie jogging into my room. 'Look at my nails!' she holds them up and I raise my eyebrows.

'Wow...' she pouts as I smile and kiss her forehead as her hands drop.

'I know you care so much about my nails' she says with sarcasm and I respond the same.

'I was waiting for you to get here so I could see'

She grabs her already packed bag from behind me and we headed to the airport to fly to Adelaide.

I smiled at the flight attendant as she welcomed me onto the flight and I slipped into my seat with Ellie following me. I offered my AirPod to her to watch a movie with me but she shakes her head and bends her head to Joel next to her. I nod and smile as she puts her headphones in and I look at her phone to see her listening to Down for You. I sigh as I lean against the window and look out as we took off.


We waited until it was dark and we both double-checked that Nate was asleep before we both grabbed out jumpers and snuck out into the city. We both walked down the dark streets of Adelaide as our hands brushed against each other and I felt butterflies in my stomach. 

I looked up at him as the moon shone from behind him and I fell for him even more, just in that moment. I felt the desperation to interlock our hands together but I just never knew when fans were going to pop out especially since it was the night before the show so it was likely that fans would be sleeping out for the show. 

He stops as we walk under a collection of a string of lights and he takes his hand in mine, 'You look really pretty'

'Stop...' I mumble, blushing with embarrassment. 

'It's true' he shrugs.

I blush and squeeze his hands and he leans down I stand on my tiptoes to close the gap between us both. Our lips moved together as he pulled my body closer by my waist. We both smile as I slowly pull away and I rest my head on his chest before walking back to the hotel. 

I opened the door to Nate standing where I expected him to be but I walked straight past him, not saying a word. Ruel stopped to talk to him but I couldn't make out the words.


We let Ellie sleep in this morning and we went downstairs to fans outside. I took some pictures and then a picture on someone's screen caught my eye. And then I soon realised it was and I instantly panicked, 'Hey. Do you guys mind deleting pictures of that please?' I ask and she nods.

'Yeah of course! We'll let everyone know,' I smile and nod but something in my stomach felt different...

I wrapped my arms around her as she walked into the green room and looked amazing as always, 'I'm going to say it again...'


'You. Are. Beautiful-' she quickly connected our lips and I pulled her body closer before we jump at someone opening the door

'I knew it' 

'Michelle, please don't-'

'Michelle, you can't tell anyone. Please don't' we both ask.

She looked at our pleading faces and sighed before walking out the door. I guess we took that as a maybe. 


I could tell that night that Ruel was struggling, especially through Hard Sometimes as he sung it to Adelaide. I grabbed him after the show and pulled him aside, 'You ok?'

'I don't know... Just homesick' he mumbled and my heart dropped. 

'You wanna talk about it?' I ask and he shrugs.

'Maybe later? I'm sorry'

'Don't apologise. I'm always here,' He pulls be into a hug and he rests his chin on top of my head

'Guys' we hear Nate say.

'What? I'm not allowed to hug her now?' Ruel says, getting just as frustrated as I was at this point.

'Get to the taxi'

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