What. Just. Happened?!

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Heyyo ! SUPRISEE! Jadabug here.. ya so, idk if we'll be able to update because of that stupid hurricane coming our way.. so, idk when we can so imma make another chapter for you guys! :) get pumped up! its gonna be exciting :) comment&vote. thanks x.

Chapter 9:

**Louis' POV**

I woke up and got up. I went downstairs into the living room. No one was there. I looked outside the living room window to see Niall's hummer gone. Must be getting food or something.. I thought. I went back upstairs and went to Zayn's room.. Sleeping. Next, Liam's room. The door was closed, so I knocked. "Who's that?" he asked. "Lou!" I said. "Oh, come in.." he said.

I opened the door and walked in to see him just starring out into space. He had that look on his face that made him look like he was thinking. "Stop thinking so hard," I chuckled. He just stopped and starred at me. Freak. I thought. "What?" I asked. "nothing." he mumbled.

"What's got you so down, mate?" I asked him.

"Just.. tired is all," he said leaning back so the back of his head was laying on his pillow. "You sure? You seem so.. so. s-"

"So what, Louis?" He asked interrupting me. RUDE! "nevermind," I said.

"No Lou, say it," he lifted his head and body from his pillow so hebwas facing me.


"Yes, Lou,"

"No Liam.. NO"

"YES LOU YES!" He raised his voice,

"No Li-"


"LONELY!!" i blurted out and then covered my mouth. Liam just starred at me and then sighed and looked out his window. He looked down and shook his head no. "Liam I'm so-" "Save it Lou! Just... just get out , " he said. "but, but Liam I.. I-i didn't -"

"Louis, please just go.." he argued pointing towards the door. I nodded and then made my way towards the door until I got out. I shut the door behind me, and heard Liam humming. I put my head to the door but i couldnt hear it anymore. It just... Disappeared. I kept trying to think what would have made him so upset.. As I was thinking, I decided to go check on thw girls. I made my way in the room and the door was closed, but unlocked. I knocked. No answer. I tried again... Nothing. I opened the door to nothing, as well. No one was there. Then, I thought about it... And.... AHA!! I KNOW WHAT'S WRONG! Niall=gone and Brianne=gone.. Niall fancies Brianne and his hummer is gone... The bags they went shopping for were open and clothes were all around the room, so she must be with him.. And then, we had that talk, Liam and I about how we fancy the girls but our best mates also fancy them, as well.. So, obviously he's upset because of Brianne. I mean, Brianne is very pretty so who wouldn't think she's fit?

I understand where Liam is coming from, though. Harry fancies Jade, and I think she is fit as well. But, Liam is the sensitive one of the group so it doesn't really suprise me. I do feel bad, though.. and he yelled at Niall.. He's frustrated that Niall doesn't know that he also fancies Brianne and knows that Niall already has taken her under his irish charm.. But you never know! Brianne might just need quality time with Liam to get to know eachother better.. I mean, we kidnapped them and don't even know that much about them! Actually, i know absolutely NOTHING about them. And hey, maybe that's what I need to do with Jade.. Speaking of Jade... Where's she? Where COULD she be? Did she run off? Well, i guess I will go look for her around the house... then find out...


**Jade's POV**

I was just about to jump off the bed, and then he grabbed my arm and made me flop back on. "Isn't this a fun game?"  he said, and closed his eyes smiling. I giggled. "You suck! Let me goo!" I said. "No," "Yes"

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