Chapter 12: part 1

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February the 10th...

Why does the date sound so familiar?

February the 10th...

February th...

Of course! It's Vic's birthday. He told me the other day. Thanks god for the alarm clock in Vic's room, without that, I would have no idea what day today is. Unfortunately, he had to go to work so I can't spend the day with him. He said that the cops still haven't found the murdered, obviously, but have cleaned the venue. However, that meant more of a work for Vic and less of a Vic for me.

You see, since the day we, you know, got intimate my feelings towards him became stronger and I find myself longing for the brown-eyed man almost all the time. I'm aware that he doesn't even probably like me that way, but I can't help it. I'm crushing...and I'm crushing hard.

I don't get it, though. How can I go from practically hating someone to wanting to embrace said person and never let them go, so easily? Seriously, it's not that long since I've told him that he was disgusting, yet here I am, missing him more and more as the time passes. I also often think about his warm mouth around my cock as he bobs his head up and down, sucking me off. Or about his rock-hard dick pounding into me as the small drops of sweat roll down his-

Fuck! That's just great, now I have a not-so-small problem down my pants...and it won't go away itself...

Anyway, as I said, it's Vic's birthday and my plan was to bake him a cake. So after I took a quick shower, I headed downstairs to the kitchen. That's actually another thing, he keeps me unchained all the time and lets me sleep with him in his bed which is, believe it or not, much more comfortable than the one in the basement.

I looked through the cupboards in his kitchen and settled on baking a chocolate cake. I got all the ingredients I needed and put them on the counter. I started by mixing the butter with sugar and consecutively adding the yolks. After that I put a melted chocolate in it. Eventually I added egg whites with more sugar and flour. I put it in a cake form and then in the oven. When it was done, I let it cool, took it out of the form and placed it on a plate. Then I doused some more melted chocolate on the top and sides and let it congeal in the fridge.

This is one of the things I'm good at, baking. My mom thought that since I'm gay, she has to teach me how to cook, bake and all that stuff. I shook my head at that thought and smiled to myself. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, thinking about everything really.

I can't believe that I'm alone in the house with acces to all of the windows and still, I'm sitting in Vic's living room, not showing any sign of wanting to run away. It feel like I would disappoint Vic if I tried to. I'm not sure why, maybe they are the new found emotions I started to feel towards him that made me stay...I don't know, I'm so confused.

I shrugged it off and lay down on a pillow. I guess all the baking exhausted me and soon enough I drifted off to sleep, forgeting about the whole Vic situation for a while.


"Kells, wake up." I heard a soft voice say.

"Hun, I'm home, wake up." The voice said again.

"Kells..." Was it Vic? Wait, did he call me 'hun'? I slowly opened my eyes just to find Vic kneeling beside the couch, looking at me.

"Hi." He smiled sweetly, bringing his hand closer to my face and brushing the hair out of my eyes behind my ear.

"Hey." I smiled back. We were staring at each other, smiling slightly when I remembered something. "It's your birthday." I exclaimed, sitting up quickly.

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