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Even from down the street you could see him wandering around the booth handing out flyers and pins to anyone who so happened to walk by the booth. Xan and Grayson both sat behind the booth, Xan with her feet up on the booth hands behind her head as she watched the traffic. while Grayson like usual had his head in a comic book.

As we got closed Jones and I watched as a group of older men seemingly swooped around Elias. Even though I couldn't hear them, I could tell my the look on Elias face, and the attention Xan and Grayson now focused on them, the comments weren't nice.

"You faggots trying to ruin Christmas for us to now huh?" one man snarled.

"The world doesn't need homos like you infecting our children with your propaganda." another hissed

Xan and Grayson had both shifted in their seats but didn't rise from them. I picked up speed getting closer to the group only to be stopped by Jones holding out his arm and shaking his head at me. I looked from him to Elias, I knew he could handle himself. He may not have seemed like it, his build more like Grayson then it was Judah or Jones. but much like them, He was strong, mentally and physically.

I stood there beside Jones a few feet from the groups, shifting uncomfortably as I watched and listen to the grown men belittle and degrade him. The longer I stood there the hotter the burning sensation bubbling up inside me grew. I could feel my lip twitching, as I grew antsier by the second and not so familiar feeling brewing inside me.

Then it happened, the cherry on top, the match to the firecracker as one of the men roughly shoved Elias causing him to stumble back into another who returned the shove. Ripping Jones hand out of the way I stormed forward, my eyes locked on the man who started it all. Forcing my way into the circle I grabbed Elias blocking him from the men.

"Get out of here little girl. this doesn't concern you." the man spat towering over me.

I drew a long slow breath stepping forward I closed the gap between the man and I. Gritting my teeth I stared him down. A smirk formed on his face as he leaned closer, one I returned for I knew something he didn't. something I had learned from the pack. Don't judge a book by its cover or a person by their size. With a sudden flick of my arm, I twisted a first full of his shirt in my hand at the collar yanking him down to eye level.

In the man's cold green eyes I could see his bold exterior waver. surprised by my sudden actions. I stared him down for a few minutes, not saying a word before I pulled him in closer. He was going to listen, and I was going to make him.

"Listen here, you homophobic troglodyte. you and your band of bird brains are going to apologize, to my friend. For being such complete enormous ignorant assholes." I demanded through gritted teeth.

"And what if I don't?" The man challenged.

"Well, that.. that will make me angry. and you don't want to see me when I'm angry." I threatened.

We stood there for a few moments before the man's face twitched before pulling away standing up straight. Pulling on his shirt he adjusted looking around at his "friends". Crossing my arms over my chest I stood my ground. The longer the man stood there the faster I could feel my heart beating in my chest and my burst of bravery falter.

The man stepped back, nodding towards his friends they stepped forward standing gathered around him. I could see his tongue run along the inside of his lip against his teeth, shooting me a glare he looked briefly at Elias before turning his back to us and storming off. I took a step forward, preparing to confront him once more. A large hand placed on my shoulder held me back.

"As much as I would love to see you chase him down and appreciate what you did. It's probably not a good idea" Elias informed turning me to face him.

"He's an idiot and has no right to talk you like that" I admitted looking up at him, Elias's hand slid down my arm gently taking my hand in his.

"I know that and it sucks having assholes like him treat people like me the way he did, That's why I'm out here. Supporting, teaching and trying to spread some light where the world needs it and I'm so lucky to have a supportive family and incredible friends like you to support me." Elias informed gently holding my hands in his.

"I take back what I said earlier. you are not adorable, you are a tiny little terror" Xan interrupted throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"See, told you!" I sassed confidently.

"Yeah, Yeah, Cmon lets ditch these losers and go have some real fun," Xan announced gently leading me away from the boys and back towards the rides.

Pulling into the driveway, excitement bubbled up inside seeing Theo's truck sitting in the driveway. As soon car had come to a start I opened the door bolting out towards the house. I hadn't seen Theo all day. He had left before I had gotten up and hadn't been home before we left. It was somewhat strange being away from him that long. I missed him.

Opening the front door I came barging in only to come to a complete halt. Arms halfway in the air as I steadied myself, I froze. Standing with nothing but a towel around his waist was a strange man I'd never seen before. Dark thick hair speckled over his chest and down his torso, neatly trimmed. A five a clock shadow barely visible on his sculpted face, his pools of maple flecked with moss locked with mine.

I could feel my breath catch in my throat. I didn't know how to react, a strange half-naked handsome man standing in the living room.  A smirk formed on his face,  and that's when I realized I was staring. Letting my head drop I could feel the burning sensation form on my cheeks from the embarrassment.

"and who are you?" He quizzed biting his lip as he looked me up and down.

I lifted my head only for second before I noticed he was stepping closer, one hand loosely hanging onto the towel to keep it from slipping. My view was suddenly blocked as Theo appeared from seemingly thin air making himself a barrier between the man and I. The stranger instantly stopped his advance, the playful charm falling from his face.

"Do you mind little bro. we were just getting acquainted, weren't we sweetheart" The man, Theo's brother once again attempted trained.

"Careful Luca.  Roman already almost ripped Jonesy's head off this morning and he didn't even call her any cute nicknames" Xan teased walking up behind me.

"Looking good like usual Alexandria" Luca's voice was like velvet

"gag me"  Xan droned, not amused what so ever by Luca's advancements "C'mon Nova, let's get out of this sausage fest and Luca, put on some clothes before you shed on everything" Xan announced taking my hand before pulling me towards the back door. 

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