Fives Confirms ships

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Adi Galida: yeah. Like that time I saw Anakin and Padme together in a restaurant, but I turn around, and their gone

Anakin: oh, I remember that. Didn't we hide under the table?

Padme: -faceplam-

Fives: back to the point! Who's dating who?!?!?

Obi Wan:





Anakin: 😏

Yoda: answers, we need

Ahsoka: you know we don't have to say anything right?

Obi Wan: yeah, true

Satine: but then we'll probobly be stocked

Lux: hey, let's expose them

Fives: hey! I'm in charge! If none of you are dating, then explain these images!

Fives: hey! I'm in charge! If none of you are dating, then explain these images!

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