Chapter 10: An Assassin's Past

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-3rd POV, Next Morning, In the Forever Fall Forest-

Glynda was walking through the forest followed by students before you started speaking.

"Yes students, the Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so...seeing that the four of you are already injured." She said making everyone look back at team SDAZ who had bandages, scars, and bruises. Sapphire having bandages wrapped around her head, arms and legs, Dominic having some around his neck, hands and legs even though his legs wasn't visible thanks to the pants and boots he wears, Zuwon had a medical eye-patch over his left eye as he also had bandages around his head, Amethyst would look the least injured with a dark bruise on her cheek but if you put her in straight undergarments you'll see bandages wrapped around her torso and thighs.

Glynda sighs. "Anyway, each of you is to gather one jar worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!"

-Sapphire POV-

"Everything can Amethyst hit so hard!?" I asked myself while collecting sap.

"I was wondering the same thing for a while." Dominic said doing the same. "Not only that, she could keep up with my DT form...which without a doubt is impressive yet annoying..."

"Maybe we shouldn't have fought out in the dark..." Zuwon stated as he was leaning against the tree. 

"Ugh...guys...not to be rude, but yes it was kinda stupid to take me on in my element seeing how my semblance work..." Amethyst said overhearing their conversation.

"Oh shut up, you acting like you won." Sapphire mumbled.

"Oh? Then who won then?" Amethyst asked with a smug look.

"Zuwon." She stated without hesitation.

"Wha-He did not! He was the second one out!" She shouted gaining team RWBY's and JNPR's attention as they looked over.

"At least I wasn't the first...unlike sleepy eyes over there." Zuwon stated only to receive a glare from Dominic.

"I'd watch your tongue...and if I mastered my DT form I would've won."

"And you wonder why I attacked you." Sapphire started. "I saw the strain it put on your body..."

"Anyway, care to explain what happen last night with that attitude of your Amethyst?" Zuwon asked.

"Oh! Ugh...I don't want to talk about it?" She said unsure as it came out as a question instead of a statement/answer.

Sapphire goes to speak until they heard a distant roar.

"Did you guys hear that?" Ruby asked right before Cardin's team without Cardin comes running by with Russel shouting..."Ursa! Ursa!" Before bumping into Yang who picked him up by his shirt as he was flailing around like a bitch.

"What? Where?" She asked as he pointed.

"Back there! It's got Cardin!"

"Oh so nothing then." Sapphire states going to collect sap until she heard a soft thud making her look back at Pyrrha.

"Jaune!" She said in a scared/worried tone making Sapphire and Ruby get the picture as they both entered 'Leader Mode'

"Yang/Zuwon!" The sisters shouted together. "You and Blake/Amethyst, go get Professor Goodwitch." They commanded as their team followed while Pyrrha followed the sisters' lead.

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