Chapter 9: An Unexpected Twist

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I leaned closer to my companion. "I really don't think we should let her do this, Rowan."

"I know," he sighed. "But she's even more stubborn than you are. I don't think there's any point in trying to talk this out of her head."

For once, I decided to let his comment about my stubbornness slide and shrugged. "Fine. But it's her own fault if she gets herself killed." 

I was about to head to our room to go pack my own stuff, but Ellie's remark about the prophecy still echoed inside my head, demanding attention. "Ellie, I'm just wondering ... How do you know about the prophecy? Does everyone in the kingdom know?"

"Most do, I think." Her light brown gaze crossed mine while she shoved a bunch of clothes into a duffel bag. "We all have been waiting a long time for someone to wipe out the Dark Sorcerers, to end their brutal reign. When that Seer, Xia whatshername, made that prophecy about a Dark Sorceress who could also use Light magic, the news spread like wildfire. Eventually, we Dwarfs picked up the rumors too. You're a celebrity already, missy, although some fear you as well."

"Fear me? Because I'm a Dark Sorceress, even though I'm destined to save the world?"

She frowned. "Don't you know?" Her gaze shifted toward Rowan. "Doesn't she know?"

My eyes flicked back and forth between them, confused. What were they talking about? "What do I not know?"

Rowan cast his eyes down, raking his hand through his hair. "I guess the Sisters didn't tell you, then. The prophecy Xia Jutín made has not one, but two possible outcomes." He looked up again, circumspection and—was that pity?—in his eyes. He cleared his throat. "One outcome is that you defeat the Dark Sorcerers and save the world, as you already know. However, your story could also head in the opposite direction ... If you decide to give in to your Dark side and join the other Dark Sorcerers, you will have the power to ultimately bring True Darkness upon our world, and the Light will be lost forever."

Quick, shallow breaths escaped my lips, exhausting my supply of oxygen. My ears were ringing, blocking out all noise around me. Rowan's words kept repeating themselves over and over again in my head.

You will have the power to ultimately bring True Darkness upon our world.

Gasping for air, I stormed outside, tears already welling up in my eyes. So that's what Head Sister Ursula had meant by saying that I had to remember I had a choice. That's why she had said that she didn't know whether my training would be enough to shield me from the Darkness. I wasn't only destined to save the world ... I was destined to destroy it as well. Why hadn't they told me? Why ... Why hadn't ...

I felt the presence of another person standing behind me, but I ignored them. They had all hidden the truth from me. They had only told me the part that I needed to know to steer me in the right direction.

My silent companion didn't go away. They were standing so close now that my back almost touched their chest. Two hands came up to cup my arms, but I slapped them away. "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry, Kenna. They should have told you," Rowan answered, his voice deep and filled with regret.

"You could have told me as well."

"I didn't know how much you already knew. I deemed it wiser not to bring it up as long as you didn't mention it either."

"Why? To protect my feelings?" A part of me knew that I was being unfair, but I couldn't stop myself; anger bubbled up inside of me like lava in a volcano. "I'm not a child anymore, Rowan! Didn't you think I had the right to know?" Finally, I turned around, clenching my fists as I stared him down. The obvious hurt on his face made me wince, but at the same time, his eyes were understanding.

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