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Aria's Journal
February, 2013
Day 43 in Japan

The neighbourhood in Japan is really different with mine in my home country.

Usually, I'm not the type of a city stroller (wait... is this the right word? well, never mind) who loves to walk in the neighbourhood. But since I arrived in Fukuoka, it was one of my hobby! Even though it was winter, I still love walking in the neighbourhood. Especially while eating a warm TAIYAKI! I never knew a fish shaped cake would have such a wonderful taste.

But what sucks when you walked in the winter, you would be slipping out if you didn't be careful. I must slipped out like THOUSANDTH times! And that makes Haru-chan and Airi-chan laughed at me mischievously everytime I did that. Ugh.

I can't wait for Spring anyway! It would be so beautiful, the scenery along the neighbourhood. And I longing for seeing Sakura tree!!

But for now, let's just enjoying those beauty all white breathtaking scenery ;)


Present Day

I'm not a person who easily to get stoned.

I can count it with my fingers how much the moments in which I feel shocked, even making my brain went into malfunction and freezing all of my body. And this moment, definitely going into the list.

I could feel Haruto's lips was almost touching mine. It was just leaving an insignificant distance as little as 0,001 millimetres between our lips. And all I wanna do was closing the god-damn distance.


I was so sure at the time I would let go the virginity of my lips- oh yeah Haruto just take it take it TAKE IT-

When suddenly the door of Haruto's room was knocked.

"Harutooo," called Okaasan from behind the door.

We were going frantic. Haruto fleet away fastly and suddenly he was standing nearly at his desk. I, who was still frozen, but forcing my self too hard so at least I didn't laying like a dumb person in his bed, then sitting up and pretending  looking over at the random things on the bed.

"Come in, Ma!" said Haruto.

The door was opened and Okaasan was entering the room casually. When she entered the room, she stared at Haruto, who was standing rigidly near his desk- then at me, who was sitting awkwardly in Haruto's bed- and somehow, she smirked mischievously. 

"What were you doing, guys?" she asked while wriggling her eyebrows.

"No-nothing! We were just choosing disguise things for me. We're planning to go outside." Haruto answered. I hurriedly agreeing whatever Haruto was saying, but my lips seems couldn't working properly right now, so I just nodded vigorously.

"Hmm," said Okaasan. She still looked like she knew what happened just then between us, but fortunately she didn't continue her curiousity. "You two better come down now because I need help with preparing our lunch today."

"Okay, Okaasan." I said weakly. Wow! At least I managed to say something after all.

Okaasan smiled widely. She was about to go outside from Haruto's room, when she threw a comment: "Anyway, both of your face are burning. It's really cold outside, isn't it?"

Then she was just gone, leaving me and Haruto who were staring at each other in horror.



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