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Hi guys, I have a bit of inspiration back from girlfriend song/interviews, taking a darker turn on this era as it's my favorite regarding on what one will do just to get what they desire no matter what.
BAD Era 1989--90

March 26th 1989

3 months have gone by since

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3 months have gone by since. Breanna and Michael shared phone calls within the course of time until the tension got slippery.

Michael came home from rehearsal and he could hear his phone ring from his bedroom. His phone would sometimes ring like all day and he'd have to take it out of the wall.

He picks up the phone as he headed into his bedroom and closing the door. He takes off his hat and sighs. He's been working all day and he is so tired. He waited for Breanna to ring his line.

He loved his job but he misses being able to sleep for more than 4 hours. He took a water bottle out of his refrigerator and gulping it down, he listened to the phone ring until his voicemail message came out. As it went and says "The person you are trying to call is unavailable right now, please leave a message at the tone.." and so on.

Michael probably had thousands of messages he wasn't aware of yet but he makes sure to check all of them when he could. Walking to his bedroom, he slides off his loafers and neatly puts them aside. He stretches and scratches his head. It's 7:30 PM right about now. Michael usually would be out for days, not being able to be in his own home for more than 2 days at a time.

Then he hears the answering machine go off.

"Hi Michael, This is Breanna, I know you are probably busy but I wanted to give you a call and ask you something. " Michael figured this was being recorded now, He quickly picks up the phone and says "What would you like to ask me?"

She went silent for a moment and blushed, she had thought he wasn't listening of course. She gripped the phone and looked around.

"" She chuckled in a nervous manner. "Honey why did you give me your number? I'm a married woman you know."

Michael just laughed at this. "I know you are.. but I think you're really stunning and I just love talking to you" He goes on, and she couldn't help but laugh. "I do too.." making him smirk

"Your call confirmed your curiosity as much as mine.." he says confidently

She's taken aback by this. This man who she thought was so child-like. She just couldn't believe it. Wasn't a man like him just odd, but no.

She'd only met him once before in 1983 while he was working on his Thriller album. Her husband being a producer was only just a friend of hers at the time. He had visited Michael and spoke business with him had he helped with Off the Wall years ago.

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