Dancing in the Street [David Bowie]

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I was in a great mood, I listened to one of my jams , that people judge and call it "the gayest music video of all time" , Dancing in the Street. I was wearing something ridiculous cause I was just trying to buy some more pens and quickly go back to work on some work since I ran out of pens, I was wearing a turtleneck with black sweatpants and Van's with my handwriting saying "Rolling Stones" and on the other was "Bowie". As I jammed and danced through the bare streets in the middle of an urban city, as I sang Mick Jagger's part , I heard voices like the actual Bowie. I looked around but saw no one. I blinked and then out of the blue and most anonymous time I saw David Bowie right in front of me.
I fell down in disbelief.
"What in the-" I cut off not trying to make a scene. It seemed like no one was around , just me , and him.
"Hello, are you ok love?! I heard you were singing my song." He told me.
"Yea I'm ok thank you for asking, oh my god how rude of me, my names Alayna,  quite a pleasure to meet you Mr. Bowie as to be one of your fans."
"Ah, great. You got quite some moves." He told me laughing.
"Oh god. It's this stupid choreo I made. It's pretty terrifying as to my other friends telling me" I tell him
"Ey, I mean it's your decision, would you mind performing it for me?" He asked.
I was in shock and agreed to. It was crazy , not a single person in sight of a busy street usually. It's like his presence stopped all nearby actions.
I performed as he sat and watched me perform my ridiculous dancing.
"Groovy." He said.
"Sorry to say Mr. , I'm not a huge fan of yours and only know some of your top hits. I mostly listen to The Rolling Stones and a couple more bands."
"Its ok mate, at least you like some songs. What songs do you know or listen to?"
"Actually,  I listen to Rebel Rebel, Space Oddity,  Life on Mars, Starman, Changes , and Heroes"
"Mh. Ok. It's ok. I'm glad you still listen to my music unlike today's new pop"
"Definitely. I was raised with mostly 60s- 80s and a bit of rap from the 90s and early 2000s."
I nodded.
I was still in shock that I was talking to the famous David Bowie. Amazing.
He was happy to see that I liked older music.
"I've got to run now, nice to meet you Alayna. And remember that, I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain, your not alone  , just turn on with me and you're not alone let's turn on and be not alone gimme your hands, cause your wonderful.. oh gimme your hands love." "And that I'll always be with you, just blink in times of trouble and I'll be there along to help the situation and be happy. Beautiful always pays off" He told me. I blinked and his presence was gone, nowhere to be seen.
I had just met the famous Bowie. Now I had a reason to live by

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