10 - Disobedience

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"Akaza, you are dismissed," Muzan demanded walking over to Tanjiro.

"Yes Master," Akaza bowed before jumping away, eager to avoid Muzan's wrath.

Muzan strode over to the boy and grabbed a fistful of his red and black hair, pulling him up and staring into his eyes.

"Is this how the girl found us? Is this how she was able to beat the two demons I sent after her? You warned her," Muzan asked.

Tanjiro said nothing but whimpered as Muzan yanked his hair again.

"Yes, you did," Muzan sneered releasing the boy, "Nakime!" he shouted.

There was a strum of a biwa and Tanjiro's nose was filled with the scent of humans. He looked up in horror and saw five demon slayers looking around fearfully. They were all young and they pressed their backs together looking to Muzan and Tanjiro fearfully, their swords were drawn.

"I snatched these slayers up a few hours ago, and now their fate lies in your hands, Tanjiro," Muzan explained cruelly. The demon slayers all looked terrified, Tanjiro didn't recognize any of them from Nezuko's thoughts but that didn't mean that they deserved to die!

The biwa sounded out again and suddenly the demon slayers were gone, Muzan faced Tanjiro and smiled.

"I'll make your punishment simple, if you win, I will release the demon slayers," Muzan explained, "If you lose..." Muzan chuckled as he walked away, "Use your imagination."

He walked across the platform and a final biwa strum sounded out. Tanjiro was now facing the five remaining members of the Lower Moons.

"What's this?" Wakarabu, Lower Three, demanded, looking around. Rui's eyes met Tanjiro's and the spider boy sneered.

"It's very simple," Muzan spoke from behind them. The five turned and upon seeing Muzan immediately kowtowed.

"Get up," Muzan demanded. The five did fearfully.

"You see that boy," Muzan smiled pointing to Tanjiro. The moons looked back and noted the fearful looking boy who was getting to his feet, the claw marks on his cheeks healing.

"If you manage to beat him, I shall give you more of my blood. If he beats you... you will die," Muzan threatened in a low tone. Tanjiro took an unsteady step back as he looked at his opponents. The moons all looked at the boy and began planning on how to best rip him apart.

"And boy," Muzan chuckled, he gazed into Tanjiro's eyes and smiled, "Remember, what happens if you lose."

Tanjiro took in a deep breath and readied himself. Muzan wasted no time...

"Go," Muzan whispered.

The moons surged forward, each one preparing their demon art, eager to earn Muzan's blood. Tanjiro's pupils grew paper thin and he bared his fangs as they rushed at him.

Lower Two, Rokuro, shook the ground as he stampeded towards the boy. Tanjiro felt the floor below him begin to split apart as the blood demon art was activated. Tanjiro lept into the air as the floor below him shattered in a large crash.

Lower Four, Mukago, lept after the boy, her eyes glowing with ambition as she raised her hands and manipulated her demon art. An invisible blast raced from her hands and pierced Tanjiro mid-jump making the boy cry out as a part of his side was ripped away. Tanjiro twisted in midair to avoid the powerful punch thrown by Lower Three and then retaliated with a kick of his own.

Lower Three, Wakuraba, flew into Mukago and the two went tumbling. Rui manipulated his threads creating a solid cage around Tanjiro that closed in on him rapidly. Tanjiro gritted his teeth and readied his claw. In a single swipe, he had ripped Rui's threads apart and landed untouched on the ground. Rui hesitated... the boy hadn't been nearly that strong the last time they had fought.

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