Hunted {Chris Evans x Reader}

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A/n: Welcome to another one of my books 😂 I can't promise scheduled uploads but I'll do what I can to upload oneshots often 👌🏻 Oddly enough I got this idea from a talk about how unsafe older silos are and how many gruesome accidents come from them 😂 I hope you enjoy!

Paring: Chris Evans x Reader ~
Chris try's to be as friendly as he can to everyone he meets but apparently he rubbed someone the wrong way. After a few weeks of receiving multiple death threats through emails, letters, and phone calls he just can't take it anymore. He needs to take action and fast, so calling some of his buddies down at Boston PD he hires the best detective they have on file to look into the case.

{There will be a few parts to this one}

Warnings: Angst, talks of gruesome crime scenes, mentions of blood, swearing.

Song Inspiration- Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier 🎶


Chris's Pov: (1st person)
All my life I've tried to be a good person.
Even when I've really wanted to be a dick just to get some personal space, I've tried to always put a smile on my face and indulged in a conversation. But apparently no matter what you think is nice, when you are constantly put under a magnifying glass someone always finds something wrong with you which easily turns them to hate you without you even saying a word.... That's currently where I'm at, between trying to find out what I said, did, or didn't do while still trying to keep my cool.

About a month ago I started to get this creeping suspicion that I was being watched, now given that I was back home in Boston for a six month break I really didn't give it much thought because I was home. But things just kept getting weird, like employees warning me to watch out for certain people in the crowd of a stores that seemed to be following me, or random gifts being brought to me at coffee shops or restaurants with a note reading 'From your biggest fan'. At first I thought it was cute but then given the detail of the gift like my exact order of the coffee I drink or the meal that I may order was something to put me on edge. At first I thought it was my siblings or maybe some of my childhood friends screwing with me but every time no matter who I was with they'd be honestly just as confused as I was.

I had a stalker...

I got tired of it very quickly and soon I just pretended like it wasn't happening, simply apologizing to the employees and paying them for the inconvenience or the mailman and the groceries. And for a week it all just faded, everything was peaceful again and I had pep to my step once more.. Then the death threats started. They first started as mild warnings like 'Stop avoiding me' or 'Why don't you love me anymore?' But then quickly it moved to being very personal, very quickly. It started out as emails but then moved to letters attacking my mother, father, siblings, and my nephews and niece. I had enough and I knew I needed professional help.

Arron Styles, my friend on the Boston police force helped me to get into the station and into a meeting with the Chief thankfully as soon as possible. I laid out everything that I had received even pictures of the gifts and places I had gone where weird shit happened, letting them take a look at everything as well as getting a written report of my stories plus versions from witnesses that helped them get the picture. After a few long hours at the station the Chief suggested to call in a professional making my stomach drop "A professional?.." I asked hesitantly "She's the best in the business." Aaron said reassuringly as he made the call and put it on speaker.


(Y/n's) Pov:

There's nothing I hate more than Wisconsin in the winter.. It's nothing but a shit hole covered in layers of ice and snow for the half of the damn year and it's absolutely the perfect place for trying to hide a homicide.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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