They spent a few minutes examining each of their animals in great detail, moving around them to take in every side. They were sure that both the panther and snake could be extremely deadly if they desired, and the phoenix could match them in ferocity with its sharp beak and claws if provoked. Once they were sure that they knew each of their animals, they slowly pulled back. Their consciousness drifted up so that they reached their surface mind and their mindscape. From there, they pulled out of their mind, blinking as they came back to the present; they could be both in their mind and still aware of their surroundings, but not with the level of their mind they had retreated to.

"How did it go young one?" Merlin asked, noticing them come back to the present.

"Good. How rare is it to have more than one form? I remember reading that it was possible, but it was only briefly mentioned as possible."

"It is rare. Especially because many who would have the ability don't attempt the transformation, so they never know that they have more than one form. But no one has ever had more than two that I know of. If you have two forms, I will not be surprised. Most who have two forms always either have a combined or open core. Since you have an open core, I am not surprised if you have two," Merlin explained.

"That makes sense, and I do have more than one. But I saw three animals."

"Three? What three?"

"A panther, with bright green eyes and fur so black that sometimes the fur looked blue. A phoenix, with red feathers the colour of my hair and gold, silver, and black feathers scattered throughout the plumage. And a snake, I couldn't tell what type, of a deep emerald with black, silver, and gold scales on the stomach."

"A panther is not unusual, and I feel suits you. You are incredibly graceful and quick on your feet. You can be incredibly dangerous if you chose to be and are not afraid of going an extra distance to achieve your goal, and you are an inspiration to many who you interact with. You have an innate strength in you, in both character, body, mind, and heart, and have learnt to rely on yourself.

"A phoenix, again, suits you. And I am not surprised that you have a magical creature as a form. Only those with an orange or white core have ever been seen to have a magical form. A phoenix represents those pure of heart, someone who will protect the innocence, even if that brings harm to themself or leads them to harm in doing so. They are powerful in magic, mind, body, and spirit, and are loyal to those who have gained their trust. And they are incredibly kind and compassionate creatures who want to heal and protect more than harm.

"As to your third form, I am unsure how you have a snake as an animagus form. I have never heard of a case where someone had a form of a snake. However, I can still tell you why a snake fits your personality. You are cunning, sly, and sneaky, able to slip out of many difficult situations. You prefer to escape a confrontation when possible. However, if cornered or provoked you will attack and be a highly aggressive, fierce, and deadly force, and not back down." Alex considered what Merlin had said before nodding. Everything he had said seemed to fit them and their personality.

"Could the fact that I'm a Parselmouth have influenced my forms and given me my snake form?"

"It could have done. Parselmouths are rare, as you know, and normally extremely secretive. The only Parselmouth that I know of is Salazar, who has no desire to complete the animagus transformation. However, the source of your form doesn't change the fact that you have three forms, three different animals you can change into," Merlin said. "You have studied the transformation and the theory behind how you change into your form."

Alex nodded again and shifted so they were in a crouched position rather than a seated position, knowing that that position would be easier to transform from. They reached into their core and to the place they had found their animals, slowly using their magic to coax their panther forward and towards the surface. They felt their limbs start to change and ignored the weird feeling, focusing fully on coaxing their panther to the surface. Their magic spread out across their body, not just underneath their skin but above it as well as their panther finally reached their surface mind and took its place, moving forward a bit more until it was at the very front of their mind and the transformation had fully occurred.

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