CheaterCheaterBestfriendEater ~Chapter 3~

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Stacy woke up to her alarm clock ringing at 6:30am. She hadn't used that alarm clock in years.

"What the fuck"? Stacy looked up to see Spencer over her.

 "I thought you might want some help getting up, especially because you said you'd get a job. A job first thing in the morning, to be exact". 

"Yeah, well I didn't mean it literally".

Stacy got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. She opened to fridge.

 "Hmmm, I seriously need to go grocery shopping".

 "Check the freezer"! Yelled Spencer. 

Stacy opened the freezer and found a package of expired Blueberry Eggo Waffles.

 "I think I'll just skip breakfast".

 "Nonononono, your gunna eat breakfast, you need that shit to get you thinking in the morning".

"Yeah, because I need food to operate, right?" Stacy said with sarcasm.

Stacy went back into her bedroom and got changed. She put on a white T-shirt with a black vest over it, and a brand new pair of dress pants she got from JC Penny. She looked in her closet for a nice open toed stiletto. She couldn't find any. She settled for flats instead.

"So where are you gunna look for a job"? Spencer asked.

 "I dunno, around I guess". 

That moment Stacy realized that she had no idea where she wanted to work.  She would call Marisa, but their friendship is down the drain.

Stacy remembered that her old friend, Tiffany, worked for the local newspaper. Not only did the newspaper make big money, but the staff also got 4 breaks a day PLUS a $200 paid vacation when needed.  Stacy got on the phone with Tiffany.

 "Hey Tiffany? Yeah it's me, Stacy. Yeah I've been alright.  How's Howie been doing? Oh that's good! Listen, do you happen to have any job opening for the Toronto Star? No way! Oh my God, yes, yes, that's perfect. Of course, I'll be there in 20 minutes! Thank you, buh bye".

"I'm guessing you found a job?" Asked Spencer.

"Well I have an interview, good enough, right?"

At the back of Stacy's head she was worried. She's never been to an interview before. She doesn't even know how to make a résumé.

Stacy also wondered why she was still letting Spencer stay at her place

. "Hey Spencer". Said Stacy.

  "Yeah?" "Wanna like, get out of my house?"

 "Feisty Signorita... Hah ok, whatever. Cya".

Spencer slammed the door on his way out. Probably by accident, he doesn't have much of a temper.

Stacy watched out the window as Spencer pulled out of the driveway in his Honda Civic. Once he was gone, Stacy got in her Mustang and drove to the Toronto Star building.


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