She looked at him for a minute, seemingly sobering up from her half asleep state, watching as Sherlock indignantly sighed, closing the boot door, giving up on the debate.

"Fine, but you better not get die otherwise I'll revive you and kill you myself." He said, teasingly glaring at her. Georgia fake gasped, pushing his shoulder.

"You wouldn't dare! You would be way to sad to do that; at least I hope you would be. That would be very disappointing if you didn't care about my death at all. . ." She wondered, half teasing, half curious as to what Sherlock's reaction would be.

He looked at her for a minute, his eyes softening.

"I would be devastated by your death. I hope I never have to ever experience it. Ever." He spoke with finality in his voice, as though he was never going to let her take one foot off this earth so long as he lived. And, well, he was Sherlock Holmes. He always got what he wanted. He took Georgia in his arms, hugging her extra tightly to make sure she knew how much he meant what he said.

"Good. I'm glad to hear that you care about me. Am I the one that's finally wormed my way into your heart?" She grinned up at him, Sherlock not even fighting the loving smile on his face.

"Oh my dear, you didn't worm your way in - you opened it up." Georgia leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the lips, breaking out of his embrace to get into the drivers seat of the car.


As Georgia pulled up to 221b, Sherlock sighed, undoing his seat belt and turning to face Georgia.

"I can't believe I've spent a whole week with you and now I don't want you to leave." He pouted, making the most adorable face. Georgia laughed, undoing her own seat belt.

"Don't worry - you'll see me again in a couple of days. Maybe even tomorrow if we get lucky." She replied before getting out of the car to help Sherlock with his bags and to say goodbye - as much as she didn't want to.

"Hopefully John will be with one of his girlfriends tomorrow, and if we are lucky, then he might stay out the night. That means you can actually stay at my place for once." Sherlock suggested, pulling her to him after they'd unloaded his bags.

Georgia gasped and looked around.

"What if someone sees Sherlock?!" She started to panic, but Sherlock just laughed softly.

"Don't worry - it's eight o'clock in the morning. John will still be asleep and no one ever comes down the road this early." He assured, gently pushing her back so that she was trapped between him and the black car. Georgia smirked up at him.

"Jeez, you just can't get enough of me can you?" She asked sarcastically, but Sherlock shook his head.

"No, I really can't. If I always had my way-"

"You do always have your way-"

"If I always had my way, then you would never ever leave my arms. Ever." Georgia looked up at him, surprised at the amount of affection that he was showing this morning. Maybe I should take him away more often if I get to see this side of Sherlock more. She thought.

"Well, it's a shame that you don't, otherwise we'd never get any work done." She raised an eyebrow a him, but her expression soon dropped as he leaned down to capture his lips in hers. Ever since they'd taken their relationship to the next level, even little things like this always became heated somehow.

Sherlock pushed her up against the car a little more with his pelvis, his blood unconsciously flowing south. He held himself up by bracing his right hand on the car door, which Georgia found extremely sexy.

"Mm, Sherlock you're going to have to stop otherwise you're going to get me and yourself riled up and that would not be convenient." Georgia said slowly, reluctantly pulling away from him. Sherlock dropped his head-

"I think it's a bit late for that; don't you?" He said, holding back a laugh. Georgia snickered, blushing pink as she saw the bulge forming in his crotch area. "That's fine; I'l just have to deal with it myself." Georgia raised an eyebrow at his statement.

"Well, as you probably know, I have a near photographic memory - I specifically remember two nights ago when you had your mouth around my-" Georgia's hand flew up to Sherlock's mouth, her cheeks now flaming red.

"Alright, alright, I get it - you're horny!" She paused for a minute, both of them looking into one another's eyes, before Georgia's turned a shade darker. "Drop you bags inside and get back in the car - be quick." She said, the playfulness gone from her voice, replaced by lust and control, a side of her that Sherlock had never seen of her before. But he liked it. Very much.

He did as she said and quickly picked up his bags, opening the front door of 221b and leaving them in the hallway before hurrying out, closing the door behind him and jumping into the car with Georgia.

"Tired anymore?" He questioned.

"Nope - there are bigger issues at hand; sleep can wait." She muttered, pulling away from the flat.

Unknown to them, John and Donna had seen the whole exchange between them; from the kissing to the. . .quick change of plans. It would be an understatement to say that they were more than a little surprised.

─ excavation of the heart, s.h.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ