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RAENA managed to distract any troopers trying to enter the hangar on the first floor

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RAENA managed to distract any troopers trying to enter the hangar on the first floor. She told them the rebels had gone in the opposite direction to confusion them, and were heading to the hangar from the back entrance. Hopefully, she had given them enough time to find Rey and escape, but she could never be too sure. Once the ground level was cleared out, she typed in a passcode to lock the hangar entrance – one that only Ren would've known, which might just keep her in the clear – and headed for the second floor.

After taking the elevator up, Raena entered the second level with caution, holding the stolen blaster tightly in her two hands. She tiptoed across the clean floors, but was surprised at how empty the area was. Did she manage to fool everyone into going to the back entrance of the hangar? It couldn't be. Not many trusted her around here, and with good reason. With a furrowed brow, Raena approached doors for the hangar deck and finally got her answer.

The deck entrance was wide open, which meant a bountiful of troopers had gotten in there within the mere few minutes she was away. How could she be so stupid to not lock that entrance?! Raena closed her eyes and curled her fists into her hair. This was definitely not the time to panic, but one wrong move could mean detrimental things for both her and the rebels. Probably much worse for them, seeing as they still had the ability to die. Her, on the other hand, the torture might be far worse. General Pryde could take inspiration from an old story she heard as a kid and have a bird of some sort peck out her spleen twenty-four-seven, only to grow back each time and happen all over again.

She shook her head. It wasn't the time to think about that. Aiming the blaster in front of her, Raena carefully stepped through the entrance. The thin, metal floor squeaked and rattled underneath her feet, threatening to disclose her presence, so she made her steps lighter. Raena breathed and put one foot in front of the other with restraint, turning to look at the scene below.

The blaster slipped out of her grasp, but still swung against her shoulder. Raena froze in place. A hoard of stormtroopers gathered in a circle across the hangar, all pointing their weapons at the girl wandering aimlessly on the floor, but she wasn't alone. Striding around her with a sinister, new helmet was Kylo, waiting for her to make the first move. Rey didn't have a plan, though. Seeing as the Falcon wasn't here, she had to come up with her own means of escape. Approaching the edge of the hangar, she stopped short, and Kylo paused a few feet away.

"Why did the Emperor come for me?" She asked, loud enough for the whole room to hear. "Why did he want to kill the child?"

Kylo took a step forward. "Because he saw what you would become. You don't just have power. You have his power."

Rey's breath hitched. Raena found her hands gripping the railing so tight that the scabs on her knuckles were opening.

"You're his granddaughter," he finished. "You are a Palpatine."

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