Sleepover p2 ❤️

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We get to the restaurant and we go sit down and start Ordering our food and drinks. I was making TikTok with Payton and I got 2.1m followers. After we finished eating we when back to the house but before we got back to the house we want to the store and got some thing then Alex said what was the odds of me coloring my hair purple and we both said 2 so now I was going to die my hair purple
In the car
Y/n:y'all what if I look bad in purple hair
Tony:then it suck to be you
Addi:you can color it back
Payton:y/n you will look good like always
Y/n:thanks pay
I said blushing then I hug Payton and I dug my head in Payton's chest
Back at the house
Y/n:will you color my hair please
Payton:sure but I have never done this before
Y/n:it fine I trust you
Payton was coloring my hair so I decided to post pictures on Instagram

 After we finished eating we when back to the house but before we got back to the house we want to the store and got some thing then Alex said what was the odds of me coloring my hair purple and we both said 2 so now I was going to die my hair pur...

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@Addisoneasterling: look at this cutie I shipppppppp
15.4m likes and 11.3 comments


Tony:they some cuties

@brycehall:they may be cute but me and addi are cutest
@paytonmoormeier:no me and y/n ARE THE CUTEST

@y/n:I look ugly in the photo
Paytonmoormeier:YOU NEVER LOOK UGLY

Fan:are they dating or what

Fan2:Payton got a upgrade

Hater:they are ugly

I go take a shower and then change in to Payton's hoodie and shorts.
My hair looks like this

 I go downstairs and hug Payton for behind and he turns around and kiss my forehead then Anthony yells Anthony:LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE everyone:ok Bryce:I will go first Everyone:okBryce:truth or dare y/nY/n:truthBryce:do you like someone in this r...

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I go downstairs and hug Payton for behind and he turns around and kiss my forehead then Anthony yells
Bryce:I will go first
Bryce:truth or dare y/n
Bryce:do you like someone in this room
Y/n:truth or dare Payton
Y/n:i dare you too jump in the pool
Then Payton started to take off his clothes. He was in his underwear and he look hot not good lie but then he jump in the pool
Payton:ahhhhh it's cold
Y/n:I will get you a Towel
Everyone was laughing
I went inside and got a towel I run outside and give him the towel
Y/n:I'm sorry
Payton: it's ok
Then I hug him
I say blushing
Then we y'all when back inside and played again it was the last question/dare
Kouvr:y/n truth or dare
Kouvr:kiss the cutest guy in the circle
I look over at Payton and smile then I kiss him then it led to a make out section
Bryce:y'all can stop now
We stop and I was blushing
Chase:can we Watch a scary movie?
All the boys:YESSSS
All the girls:NOOO
Jaden:all y'all have a boyfriend so if you get scared you have them
Y/n:umm I don't have a boyfriend
Jaden:you have Payton
All the girls go sit with their boyfriend and I go sit with Payton. When I sat down beside of Payton he put his arm around me.
Bryce:what movie are we watching?
Y/n:noooo I don't like scary movie or clowns
Payton:you will be fine you have me
Payton:no problem
The movie started and I keep digging my head in Payton's chest and then I fell asleep
Payton's POV
Y/n was scared of the movie she keep digging her head in my chest she so cute. Have way through the movie y/n fell asleep.
Dixie: where is everyone sleeping at?
Charli:ok Chase in my room Payton and y/n on the couch Jaden and Madi on the bed upstairs Jackson and the Lopez in my Parents room and the rest go fine a room
Jackson:why I'm I in your parents room with the Lopez?
Charli:because it the biggest bed that all the single gang can sleep
Payton:shhhh y/n is sleeping
Dixie:Everyone go to bed
Next morning Payton's POV
I woke up and y/n wasn't there then I look in the kitchen and she was making breakfast. She so pretty I love her. I got and went you to her and hug her from behind and kiss her neck
Y/n:good morning
Y/n:how did you sleep
Payton:good you?
Payton:I have a question
Payton:will you go on a date with me?
Y/n:I would love too
Payton:ok I will let you finish cooking
Y/n:ok bye
I said running upstairs
I woke up and Payton arm with around me his so cute. I got up without waking up Payton and then I went to the kitchen and I started to make breakfast. A couple minutes later someone was hugging me behind and kissing my neck I turned around and see Payton.
Y/n:good morning
Y/n:how did you sleep
Payton:good you?
Payton:I have a question
Payton:will you go on a date with me?
Y/n:I would love too
Payton:ok I will let you finish cooking
Y/n:ok bye
Then he ran up the stairs.
then all the guys ran down the stairs and it was so loud.
y/n:omg calm down!
Madi:they can't cause there's food.
Bryce:she's right
We all started to eat.
Payton:yo this is so good
Anthony:Payton is a keeper
Payton:I know
Went he said that I blush
Bryce:awwww y/n is blush
Y/n:be quite
After that we all ate and then it was time to go home
Y/n:bye guys I have so much fun
Then I left. Luke came to pick me up.
In the car
Luke:so have you got a boyfriend yet
Y/n:no but I may be going on a date
Y/n:umm yes
Luke:yay but who is the guy??
Y/n:do you know the guy at the restaurant the night we went out to eat?
Y/n:well he goes to my school and I'm going on a date with him
Luke:omg but y/n what about dad
Y/n:oh ummm
Luke:you have fun with that
At home
Y/n:I'm home
Mom:hey. Did you have fun?
Y/n:yeah it was really fun
Mom:well that's good by the way I like your hair
Y/n:oh yeah it was for a dare kind of thing
Mom:oh well I like it
Mom:your welcome
Y/n: we're is dad
Mom:he had work today
Y/n:oh ok bye
I went you upstairs in Lilly's room
Y/n:hey Lilly I nee-
I walk in there and she was making out with a guy
I said closing the door
Bailey:what happened
Y/n:umm Lilly is have fun
Y/n:yeah I need to talk to her about what has happened
Bailey:well you have me
Y/n:yeah come in my room
This one is long but I hope you like it 💖 1290 words

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