I sat on my chair and continued doing my work while he continued doing his work. Staring!

After a while he left and sighed.

Where have I gotten myself into??!!

Should I get a transfer? I don't think they will give, it's like day 1 in this company. I should just get home, gotta lot of thinking to do, lot of eating to do, lot of reading to do, lot of sleeping to do. Let's get going!

So I started walking to my new house, and I realized walking is sooo painful in these heels! How do women Walk in these? U see! There are a lot of cctv cameras in these streets, I cannot vanish from the company to my house and also because of the episode that happened in the forest. Can't take risk!

Reaching my house, the first thing I did was...................................

You are right!

Took off my bra.

God! It's uncomfortable as hell. Why isn't there a spell for bra? Like it should seem like we are wearing it but we actually are not! How cool is that???!!!


What the hell am I thinking? Today's day was something!

With the power fested in me,
I hereby call the book of wandee.



Where is he?

Ahhhh! The spell room!



Do you wanna built a Frankenstein?

Come on let's go and spell!

I have never seen you whole day

Come out the door,

It's like you have gone awaaaaay!

The door opened!

Seriously Wandee? Now what are you so upset about?

Then I saw the book turn around. It sat on the couch and started crying!

Wow! Now I have to manofy a book? Just great!

Atleast tell me what have I done?

What did I do? What did I do? Try to remember!!.................
Wne to company, met wierd people, went to 45th floor, did transportation spell,spell went wrong, ended up in forest, called wandee, tried spells, failed, heard wolf's, again spelled, transformed into wolf, had wierd encounter with a wolf, the wolf became man!!, I casted spell, got invisible, then the whole drama happened, and then I followed them till road...... then reached the office .

Shit! I forgot Wandee in forest!!

Sorry! Sorry!! Sorry!!! I am really very very sorry!!!. Wandee you do know what crazy things happened to me today right? So pleaseeeeee forgive me thsi time!!!??

Wandee sighted!!!

It turned.

Came towards me.

And dropped in my hand.

Alright! The daily dose of drama is over. Honestly he is no less that a dog or a cat. He is my personal pet!

Coming to the elephant in the room!!!

Find out about theose creatures.There must be something in Wandee.


Alright. These Wolfmans are wolf's and human. They can turn from human to wolf. Or maybe not just wolf, maybe any animal?

Okay list of points to find out!

1. What are these Wolfman?

2. Can they turn into any animal?

3.for how long can they turn into any animal?

4. Can women here also turn?

5.do they know that there are witches and wizards in the world?

6.what is the population of this species?

7. What powers do they hold?

8. Are they dangerous?

9. What are mates?

10. Do they know telepathy?

So many questions! How do I find answers?........

There must be some way!

If mother was alive I would have asked her! Wait. Her journels...... There must be something in them!

But I have never opened it!

Breath in,

Breath out...

Breath in,

Breath out....


I hereby call madam murthy's journels.

I can't open this book! No.. No...... No

Wandee can.... Ca....can you look for the word wolf in these journels?

The page with wolf written opened!

The word written was............



March 8th 1999,

My doll has turned 1 today. In my first year of mommyhood I have gone through a rollercoaster of emotions. I've felt moments of pure joy and moments of isolation. I've felt moments of defeat and glorious moments of victory. But as the reality of ending our first year together hits, what stands out the most is the precious time I got to spend with my little girl and all the moments that I'll never forget.I know one day she will have to go........ be what she is destined to be....... Become what she is destined to become. I can see my eyes filled with pride.......... Seeing her head held high..................being crowned as THE LUNA QUEEN of warewolf kingdom.

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