Chapter 6

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September was drawing to a close, and the two Lupins were waiting for the inevitable, the first full moon of the school year, which happened to fall on the thirtieth. Maddy hurried around the room, a bag in her hand, grabbing everything she would need for the night. Remus sat on his bed, slowly sipping a bottle of wolfsbane potion. After taking about half the bottle, Remus looked at Maddy, "You almost ready?" The clock on the side table showed 17:00, and since it was his first transformation with the potion, he still wanted his daughter as far away from him as possible. So, she was spending the night with Minerva McGonagall.

Maddy nodded, and Remus quickly downed the rest of the bottle, "Too bad it doesn't work with sweetner," He offhandedly commented. Maddy shrugged, before putting her bag on the desk, Ground floor. McGonagall's office. Stay there until the moon sets. She reiterated, almost only for herself.

Still, Remus answered, "Exactly that." He placed the bottle on his bed, and stood up, quickly making his way towards his daughter and enveloping her in a hug, "Be good for McGonagall, Maddy." He leaned down and kissed her forehead, "Be safe, cub."

Maddy held on for a second longer, before letting go, I will, Dad. You be safe too. Love you. She picked up her bag, and made a dash out of the room, her father calling, "Love you!" to her retreating figure.


"You'll be sleeping here." Minerva McGonagall pointed to a small air mattress on the floor in the corner of her room. Maddy nodded, and sat on it, her bag on the floor next to her feet. "If you have any problems or concerns, I have parchment, quills, and ink on my desk there," she pointed to indicate where she was talking about, "and I'll be happy to help you. You and I will be having dinner here, to avoid suspicion. Is there any type of sandwich you prefer?"

Maddy stood up and walked to the desk that Minerva had indicated mere seconds before, Peanut Butter, please. Minerva nodded, and called the name, Keany, and a small house elf appeared. Maddy looked at him and smiled, she had never met a house elf before. Keany came back in no time at all and handed Maddy the sandwich in aluminum foil.

She placed it on her lap, Thank you! Keany looked at her oddly, "Keany isn't sure what you are saying." She placed the sandwich next to her, and got on her knees, and gave Keany a hug to show her gratitude. "Keany takes that as a good thing." Maddy smiled softly at him.


After they ate, Minerva was sitting at her desk grading papers and Maddy was on the floor reading Matilda. She would have finished it earlier, but she had to finish Quidditch Through the Ages first. Suddenly coming up with a question, she placed her bookmark in the pages, and went towards the parchment.

She tapped Minerva's shoulder softly, causing her to turn to face Maddy, "Yes, Ms. Lupin." She handed the parchment with her large scrawl on the top. Do you know anything about Sirius Black? Minerva looked at her uneasily, "What do you know about him already?" Maddy shifted towards the desk, and borrowed the quill and ink that Minerva was using to grade. Not much. When Dumbledore came to offer Daddy the job, he said someone was on the loose, and it would be safer for me here. After the fact, I figured out that the someone was Sirius Black. He escaped Ascaban. Daddy wasn't very happy whenever I asked about him. Sometimes Minerva forgot how young Maddy was, she still misspelled simple words like Azkaban, as a talking kid her age would mispronounce things. Minerva sighed, "It's not my place to tell you much about him. But I can tell you he was a student here at Hogwarts in the 70's."

Maddy's brain was clicking and clacking as gears were turning, Daddy was a student in the 70's! What house was Sirius Black in? Slytherin? Maybe Ravenclaw? You have to be smart to escape Ascaban.

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