Your Venom - Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight: An Attack.

It's been two weeks since we started our journey and things have been running as smoothly as they can, all of us feeling the exhaustion in the last few days. The city we visited was barely a city, more like a little village, and we couldn't hunt or we would have caused even more suspicion. The stored blood went off so it wasn't drinkable. We all feel like crap at the moment, all of us wanting blood so we can feel strong again. Of course, being this tired and this desperate, it's played on our emotions, causing silly bickering and irritation between each other.

I haven't been in an argument yet, it's mainly Red and Meadow or Red and Logan going for it, but I know it's only a matter of time. I have the most to be blamed for, I dragged everybody into this . . . it's only a matter of time until somebody mentions it.

* * * * *

Sitting back and relaxing, I smile as Seth kisses my neck quickly before shooting off to talk to Logan. "Don't start on me, Red! If I'm not up to walking that fast I won't and you can't do anything to change that!" Meadow snaps.

"I'm just saying we could be in the next town hunting by now!" Red retorts.

"It's not my fault that we aren't there! There must have been plenty of towns and plenty of detours on that map that we've missed because you think your way is better!" Meadow shouts and I groan, wishing they'd stop. They've been at this for an hour now, Dustin giving up trying to calm Meadow down and watching Red carefully, making sure it doesn't get too out of hand.

"Don't start Meadow. This route is the least tiring of them all. If you want to make a detour and be in charge of the maps, go a head!" Red growls.

"It may be more tiring but it's got more sources of blood. Are you trying to kill us or something? I have the strength of a human!" Meadow groans and Red snorts.

"Like hell do you! You're still walking and feeling little pain, aren't you? Like hell are you as strong as human. Grow up!" he shouts.

"Shut up! Fuck you Red!" she curses, storming off with Dustin closely behind.

I keep my eyes on the ground as Red gets up and skulks off the other way, muttering angrily under his breath. "Damn, it's heating up!" Logan says happily and I smile at his inappropriate tone.

"Everyone's feeling the strain of blood lust, we should try and be civil" Seth says.

"But when it's this tempting and this . . . desirable, you can't help but want it, can't help but ignore everybody else's emotions to try and get it" I say.

"I guess the arguments won't end until we all hunt" Seth sighs, going over to the maps that Red has abandoned.

Seth, Logan and I find some alternative routes, checking them over and finding them shorter than the one Red has picked. They also pass a few more towns so there would be plenty of hunting opportunities. The only problem is there isn't many places to rest. It's not like we can stay over night in the towns we're planning to hunt in, it'll cause too much suspicion.

"How about under the stars?" I ask and they shake their heads.

"Rain" Logan says.

"No shelter" Seth adds.

"And we might be being tracked. We're not sure and it's best not to risk it, don't you think?" Logan says and I nod.

"What are we going to do? How far away is the next town?" I ask, scanning the map quickly.

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