Chapter 2

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The 15 minutes it took for us to get to the police station were the most nerve-wracking 15 minutes I have ever had to endure in my whole life.
Walking into the police station I looked down at my hands, my palms were white with no trace of pink to show that there was blood flow, this was obviously due to how tightly clenched my hands had been since we left Braylen's apartment. Speaking of Braylen, he hasn't said a word since we left the apartment so I know he's pissed, I just hope it's not at me. As if sensing my fear, he took my hand in his and put it to his lips softly before locking our fingers together by his side.
The station wasn't at all what I thought it would be. I had always expected a police station to be chaotic 24/7 but this just looked like a normal office with people working on computers at their desks or doing some kind if paperwork, the only difference was that they were wearing police uniform.
Braylen walked us over to one of the desks so we could talk to someone. 'We would like to file a report' Braylen's voice came out so sharp that I jumped and my heart started beating faster, if that was even possible, seeing that it's been beating at a rather fast pace since I started telling Braylen the whole story. The police officer that Braylen had just so rudely spoken to did not seem in any way taken back by the harshness in Braylen's tone, it looked as though he were used to it, like he was almost..bored.
The officer looked to be in his early twenties, not up to 25, as a matter of fact, he looked like he could have recently graduated from college. He had olive skin and dark hair, he also had a light scruff around his jaw and mustache area. He was cute to say the least and looked like he could have some Spanish genes.
'What kind of report would that be sir?', the young police officer whose police tag thingy read 'Officer Brady' spoke in such a way that told me we were not the first to come in like this and try to file a report. The look on his face also told me that this was not the first time he had seen Braylen, which isn't surprising seeing as he has been sent here a couple of times for violence, damage of property or some other thing that he's easily bailed out of.
'Actually, my girlfriend here is the one with the report, I'm just accompanying her', the sound in Braylen's voice startled me, he was much calmer than before, his body had even relaxed and he was currently looking at Officer Brady with awe. I was kind of confused to say the least, Braylen was not one to respect or even look up to anyone else, especially not someone who wasn't much older than he was.
'Excuse me miss..', I didn't realize I was being spoken to until Braylen lightly squeezed my hand. Officer Brady was holding his arm out in a way that suggested he wanted me to follow him. Not sure of what to do, I looked up at Braylen and he nodded slightly, confirming that I was indeed supposed to follow the officer. Before I could go, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, 'I'll be waiting out here, tell them everything you told me and remember, this is not your fault okay?' I nodded slightly and he kissed me on my cheek before nudging me in the direction of Officer Brady.
I walked a few steps behind him until we got to a door, he opened it and gestured for me to enter in before him. As I entered, I realized that we were in an interrogation room and my breath caught in my throat.
'It's okay, this is just where we take you if you're filing a report as well, nothing to be afraid of,', he gave me a warm assuring smile and gestured for me to sit in the chair on the other side of the table. When I was seated, he took the seat in front of me. 'So..', he trailed off like he wanted me to tell him my name.
'It's Frankie-Jean but just call me Frankie', I was nervous to say the least.
'Okay then, Frankie. All you have to do is speak into the microphone whenever you're telling me anything about the report okay?' He spoke in a very reassuring tone and it almost made me calm..almost.
He pressed the button on a little black box thingy that he was currently holding in his hands and then said today's date. I'm guessing he had turned on whatever they're recording me with. I noticed he was looking at me before he continued.
'I'm here with Miss Frankie-Jean...', I realized that I hadn't told him my last name. 'McAdams..Frankie-Jean McAdams'. You could probably hear the nervousness in my voice.
'Okay Miss McAdams, I'm Officer Brady, would you like to tell me why you came here today?' He spoke like he actually cared and he sounded like he was talking to a six year old.
'Umm..I-I came here today because I...I came because...I came here today to file a report on rape against my stepdad', I said it so quickly that I was almost certain that any second from now he would be asking me to please repeat myself. When he didn't say anything, I looked up to find him looking at me with this look of..horror? I wasn't sure, he looked almost surprised.
I knew this was a bad idea, I shouldn't have come, I should've just run away or something, I knew they wouldn't believe me. Those thoughts left as fast as they came when he started talking in a more serious tone.
'I, Officer Brady am not in the right position to proceed with a case like this, I will therefore be forwarding this report to Officer Patterson who is in the right position to continue with this report.' To say I was confused was an understatement and as if noticing that he told me that he hadn't been talking to me.
'I'm sorry Frankie, I'm a low level cop for now and I'm not authorized to handle these types of situations so I had to close the report here so I can take you to see another officer, I'm terribly sorry'. I was on the verge of tears at this point, I didn't know what to do. I knew rape was a serious matter but the way Officer Brady was looking at me made it seem like I just told him that I had found a bunch of dead bodies in my trunk or something and it wasn't helping me calm my nerves at all, I felt dizzy and my vision was blurring.

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