Chapter 3~Playing the guitar

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After spending most of the late afternoon with the boys we decided it was probably time to head back to the tour bus to allow me time to settle down before going to dinner.

Cal and Mike are a blast to be with and I can't believe that I never used to talk to them so much when I was younger.

But then again, they were my older brother'a friends. And no younger sister likes to talk to her older brother'a friends... Unless they're hot, which they were not at the time.

Luke has been a total douche the whole time. Every time we'd try and involve him in our conversations he'd just blank out, stare into space for a few moments and then go back to his phone.

I swear that he'd never been like this before, even if I didn't ever see him that much before I do faintly remember him being funny and shoving carrot sticks up his nose.

I was currently in the limo with the boys, who were chatting quietly amongst themselves.

I was sitting next to Michael, who was next to Luke, and we were opposite Callum and Ash.

"Hey, what's up with Luke?" Ash whispered to Callum.

But my superhuman hearing managed to pick it up.

Jokes, I can't believe I even heard that, you would never believe the torture Ash used to put me through... He wasn't always a good drummer you know?!

"Dunno, as soon as we mentioned about meeting Jazz here he's been all PMSy." Callum whispered back.

They shrugged at each other before turning back to their phones.

Well I guess that conversation's over.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against my seat.

"Are you excited about going to England?" Michael smiled.

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to Ash with a questioning glare.

"England?" I repeated back looking at Ash.

I knew that we would be spending a month and a bit In America and then spending the last week back in Australia but id never known about the UK.

He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well yeah, it's on the tour..." He mumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, annoyed that I hadn't packed any nice warm jeans.

"Didn't think it was relevant at the time." He shrugged and I glared harder at him.

He chucked uneasily before gasping.
"Oh Jazz! Did I tell you that Frank has asked if you'll be a main dancer in the show?! He knows that you'll have to catch up but he said that he's seen some videos of you and he thinks you're amazing!" Ash gushed before clapping his hands.


I get to perform on an actual stadium stage, with my brother! As a main dancer!!!

"So I guess you want to do it then?"
Ash asked grinning.

"Yes I want to do it dork!" I cried.

"You do know what dork means right?" Michael asked me smirking.

"You just called your brother a whale penis." Michael laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah well that's kind of the point... dork." I snorted, before blushing.

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