8 - Tails Regrown!

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Lemocras stared at the disappearing group of warriors. "Smart, took the chance while they could." He said, absorbing his blast back in. "The only thing to do now is to reign terror upon this planet!"

He flew off with a huge aura, heading towards Satan City... Luckily...

• - 🐉 - •

Gotenks defused into Goten and Trunks. "Alright! Let's show you the Fusion Dance!" Goten exclaimed.

Cabba spoke up, "I don't have anyone to fuse with, so I have an idea. How about I patrol this planet as a defender so that you guys can fuse successfully and peacefully?"

"That's a great idea." Goten said with a smile. "I'll catch up with you once we teach these guys."

Cabba nodded. He flew into the air. "Good luck, Caulifla and Kale!" He shouted. He then zoomed over to Satan City...

• - 🐉 - •

Lemocras reached Satan City and stopped his flight. He was still transformed into Super Saiyan 4. His tail swayed as he stared down at the citizens. A small blast came from his hands, and it blew up a building. Mr. Satan peeked out from a window in his house. "Oh by golly- IT'S AN ALIEN!" Hercule screamed.

Lemocras stared down at Hercule. "Damn earthlings..." He fired a blast down to Hercule's mansion.

But it was diverted! A Super Saiyan 2 Cabba had split it in half and kicked them into the sky. "Not so fast, Lemocras." Cabba said.

"Oh ho ho! So we meet again, Saiyan." Lemocras said. Cabba nodded and flew up to punch him, but Lemocras caught it and kicked Cabba. Cabba was sent towards the ocean, that's how far Lemocras punched him. Cabba was happy about this, though. He was leading him away from civilization. Lemocras followed Cabba as he was flying back.

Cabba backflipped and hovered above the ocean's surface. "Galiiccck!" He chanted. This wasn't meant to be fired, but to trick Lemocras. Lemocras flew down towards him, and Cabba dropped his hands, flipping over him and kicking him into the ocean. Lemocras roared and the waves split. Lemocras stared at Cabba. Lemocras flew up to him and started punching him, Cabba threw up his arms in defense. Cabba was just trying to keep Lemocras from destroying. Cabba started retaliating with multiple punches. "HYAAH! HYUUAUAAH!"

Cabba suddenly took a kick to the side, sending him into a nearby mountain. He groaned. He closed his eyes, and then opened them. Cabba came face to face with a deadly blast. It blew up right in his face! Now, if Cabba wasn't transformed, he'd be dead. Cabba slowly flew out of the fire and smoke, badly beaten. He could be stated to be on the verge of death. "Tut tut, still fighting, are you?" Lemocras asked. He flew down to him and threw a right hook. Then an uppercut. Then a kick, bouncing off of Cabba and drop-kicking him through the mountain once more.

Cabba came out of the other side of the mountain. He slowly fell and crashed into the ground. Smoke rose... "Detonation!" Lemocras screamed. He fired down a huge ball of energy, and when it came close to Cabba... It exploded.

Cabba was sent into the air, he crashed into a rural building, and then flipped out of control. He slammed into a rock structure. His pupil slowly faded into grey...

Cabba. Was. Dead.

Lemocras smiled at his kill. "One down."

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Goku and the others appeared on Beerus' World. Gohan sighed, holding his side in much pain. "Darn it! I thought.. I thought I could beat him..." Gohan said. "But I couldn't."

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